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Amplitude Studios appreciation

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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2018, 11:22:42 PM

I love this +∞   

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7 years ago
May 4, 2018, 6:30:26 PM

ES2 is the best 4X game I've played in a long time! Loved Endless Legends too - great to hear from and interact with the Devs. This is a better way to make games, and this is the only place I see this happening, in this way. Cheers Amplitude!

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7 years ago
May 4, 2018, 3:33:03 PM

Thank you all for your support & love! It really means a lot <3

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7 years ago
May 4, 2018, 4:20:40 AM

Thanks for the games! Pushing the strategy genre forward is a hard thing to do.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 2, 2018, 12:57:27 PM

Thanks for the kind words, folks. Always a nice reminder that at the end of the day, the work we do is appreciated by many.

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7 years ago
Apr 30, 2018, 8:42:00 PM

Y'all are real cool, not just the Amplidudes and -dudettes but the fans and...uhhh...the robots(I guess) too.

(What gigabytemon says)

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7 years ago
Apr 30, 2018, 6:44:28 PM

Ato!!  We love you too!  Your (Amplitude Directly!) our provider of the greatest space 4x game of all time, and I don't say that lightly.   The ONLY game that could have rivaled ES2 is a true remake of the original Master of Orion OR the Vaporware that Blizzard once had for aspirations to devolope a space 4x game called Pax Imperia, which was later bought and utterly ruined in all its potential by said developer and was not what it could have been. 

Being a Sins fan, a Civ fan, A bad word 'stellarassss' fan, ES2 truly takes the cake, thanks to the amplitude team. 

BTW anybody who has seen the epic blizzard promotion video of Pax Imperia before they dropped it will understand my meaning here.  

Also for self serving purposes because your lore is so great, I hope my name wins the contest so you'll have to get us some more lore on the Lost!  

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 26, 2018, 7:58:54 PM

I just really wanted to send you guys a note of appreciation. You're the *ONLY* studio currently that I 100% trust. I always reccomend your games to friends (I've purchased and given away many keys to friends and to the Twitch community where I reside), and pass along your videos.

I'm grateful for your work and all the passion you put into it. 

It makes me so happy to feel like I am a part of something that cares about the community. I never expected the comics but I'm so excited to set aside some time to read them. Your creativity inspires my own. I've always enjoyed the universe you guys have put together and this seems like the perfect fit.

Thank you,


ps. I'd buy more comics in the future and any other merch that you guys put out.

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7 years ago
Apr 27, 2018, 1:08:11 PM

Fully support. Actually they're the only studio that I buy games from that has this implication with community.

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2018, 3:02:09 PM

NoGodsNoMasters is right!

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2018, 4:02:58 PM


Love me some Amplitude. They've reinvigorated my love for 4X and I will be a fan for life. 

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7 years ago
May 14, 2018, 11:57:43 AM

I guess I must be weird, but I'm always glad to come back to work after vacation--and posts like this are why I feel that way. 

Thank you!


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7 years ago
May 16, 2018, 4:35:11 AM

Just recently I saw an old friend for the first time in a year, and one of the first questions he asked me was:

"Are you still playing that weird game with the pain wizards and the vampire knights?"

Yes. Yes I am.

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6 years ago
May 21, 2018, 2:35:18 PM

I also think Amplitude is unironically head and shoulders above the industry it's a part of. Most devs look down on their playerbase and scoff at the idea of letting us be any kind of real part of their creative process or allowing us to make any real decisions. Not to mention all the morally questionable money milking strategies and psychological manipulation prevalent in the industry. Even above average companies like Paradox are guilty of milking DLC, being condescending towards their players, and more recently coming out with a statement in their Paradox Extras YouTube channel about how they want to separate the gamers from reviews and bring back professional reviews. Of course they entirely neglect to mention what a joke "gaming journalism" is, and just how manipulable it is by publishers who invite journalists on helicopter rides, parties, give them expensive goodies, and most importantly, provide favoured journalists who consistently give out 10/10's to their games early review copies so that they beat their competitors. And of course reviewers who dare to give them low scores will get blacklisted and not be given review copies or will be given them much later, when it doesn't matter anymore.

It really does warm my heart beyond words to see a company like Amplitude merely exist, and even more so, seeing them thrive, and prove that things like letting the community help really do work.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 1, 2018, 9:59:45 PM
Tagma wrote:

Just recently I saw an old friend for the first time in a year, and one of the first questions he asked me was:

"Are you still playing that weird game with the pain wizards and the vampire knights?"

Yes. Yes I am.

And proud of it too. If there was dust in my steam library, it would be all over most other 4x games, but not Amplitude ones. I even play some ES1 on occasion, when not playing ES2 or EL.

I do wish they would let me get achievements while using workshop mods though. My one big gripe is that I run Improved AI, Crixler's Palette Expansion, Endless Heroes, and Mightier and Magickier, but can't get achievements when using them. I understand the desire to not want people exploiting mods that make the game easier to unlock achievements, but anyone who wanted too could just run programs to unlock them anyhow. The only people they are cheating in the end is themselves.

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6 years ago
Jun 8, 2018, 10:58:39 AM
Razzlie wrote:

I also think Amplitude is unironically head and shoulders above the industry it's a part of. Most devs look down on their playerbase and scoff at the idea of letting us be any kind of real part of their creative process or allowing us to make any real decisions. Not to mention all the morally questionable money milking strategies and psychological manipulation prevalent in the industry. Even above average companies like Paradox are guilty of milking DLC, being condescending towards their players, and more recently coming out with a statement in their Paradox Extras YouTube channel about how they want to separate the gamers from reviews and bring back professional reviews. Of course they entirely neglect to mention what a joke "gaming journalism" is, and just how manipulable it is by publishers who invite journalists on helicopter rides, parties, give them expensive goodies, and most importantly, provide favoured journalists who consistently give out 10/10's to their games early review copies so that they beat their competitors. And of course reviewers who dare to give them low scores will get blacklisted and not be given review copies or will be given them much later, when it doesn't matter anymore.

It really does warm my heart beyond words to see a company like Amplitude merely exist, and even more so, seeing them thrive, and prove that things like letting the community help really do work.

Reading this post almost made me guilty of not buying vaulters expansion while i have money in check :<

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6 years ago
Jun 8, 2018, 7:03:08 PM

Yea, I got a few of their games in a humble bundle and was incredibly impressed. 

+1 Amplitude

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 11:22:55 AM

I made an account here just to show you guys my appreciation as well. I think it's amazing how involved with the community you folks are! I own EL, ES1, ES2, and all dlc.

I look forward to being drained of more time and money. One...more...turn!

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6 years ago
Jun 12, 2018, 11:42:52 AM

I love this game. I offered it to a friend with whom I play online once a week. He played it, stumbled over the complexity and we played another game. After weeks with crashes and errors every, now and then, he asked me to show him ES2 again, because it is beautiful and stable. So you guys even helped convince a guy not fond of 4X games with your very good craftsmanship.

Thank you for that and the game. Keep up the great work :)

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