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Rasch reports from trip to the Gnashast

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7 years ago
Apr 29, 2018, 10:27:48 PM

My hero Bosun Jenifer Rasch reports back from most recent trip to the Gnashast minor civ.

"We like to fight" was the Gnashast message. The minor civ attacked immediately.

Rasch lost her one medium sized support ship and combat was declared a loss for me! 

That doesn’t happen often.


Rasch: But they didn't kick me out. I stayed after the fight. And then I discovered something: A Gnashast repair facility? I thought.


- “Hey guys! Care to repair my hero ship? It's quite a sight!”


Gnashast engineer in a deep voice: "Sure why not?"


- Awesome!


Now. Why don't we just check out if these ship systems still work after the repairs. ... plot plot.

- Hey you engineer guy! Care to prove this still works after you repairs by pushing this button?


Gnashast mechanic: "Sure why not?"


Whoa! Careful, there goes the torpedoes. Strait for your Gnashast military ships actually. Oops! They are gone!

- I hope you got insurance for that?


Gnashast mechanic: "Insu, what?"


Well, you sort that out. I'll go off scouting some more. Nice doing business with ya.


- True story -

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