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[Cheese] I discovered a way to raze systems without getting disapproval

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6 years ago
Sep 4, 2018, 2:02:32 AM

If you have Unfallen in your galaxy, then when you are given the option on what to do with a recently conquered system, choose to occupy the system and then give it to the Unfallen. They will happily accept even if their tendrils do not reach the gifted system. If the Unfallen do not have a neighboring system to tendril the gifted system, then it will get destroyed like you were razing it but you are not razing it! 

It would be great if the Unfallen AI is able to decide whether the gifted system is a good deal or not. Especially when it was full of Cravers and depleted planets. I like to give away the Craver infested planets to random AIs and they were happy to receive them. Works for me as they will keep those Cravers in check!

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6 years ago
Sep 4, 2018, 3:12:51 PM

Not sure if this shuold be into bugs section...

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