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When will the trait legendary heroes will be changed?

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6 years ago
Oct 10, 2018, 3:07:06 PM

I think that this trait is currently one of the worst because it costs a lot and offers nothing of value except the +2xp per turn on heroes (dust is no problem).

I'd like to see a more exclusive mecanic for this highly priced trait or at least some buffs. 

Furthermore it doesn't fit the Vodyani narrative of having powerful heroes with a trait like that, it doesn't play a part int their because of the alrealdy existing techs to enhance heroes for them.

One solution could be to give this trait the special techs instead of being obligated to have the containment affinity. On the other hand maybe give containment trait more specifics mecanics(even if it alrealdy has a lot of them).

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6 years ago
Oct 25, 2018, 8:31:58 AM


We could potentially tweak the trait cost for costum factions if many players share your feeling.

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6 years ago
Nov 6, 2018, 12:38:44 AM

In truth I think there are more than a few traits which could do with some reviewing.  A lot of traits look balanced on paper, but several have major issues, the least of which is their point cost:

1: Some traits are far too niche for their cost; they don't come into play early enough, often enough or with enough potency to be worth the points.

Example: Having extra trade HQ's or faster leveling trade HQ's means nothing until you actually reach that tech level AND expand enough to have those HQ's AND have enough luxuries to make them worth anything and that's IF you remember to even build them!

2: Some traits/affinities are so tightly tied to others that using them seperately cripples custom faction design.  Conversely, some traits actively work against each other and form a nearly unplayable faction at times.  The most recent G2G balance mod seems to be addressing SOME of this, but it bears repeating.

Example: Biophobic is almost married to the riftborn  and continuum sculptors affinities; since we can't start our custom faction on a sterile planet it will ALWAYS be either zero sum or a penalty to custom factions.  Also, the continuum sculptors affinity brings reversed terraforming with it, leaving any non-riftborn CS faction stuck on a sub-optimal starting planet, yet unable to colonize that type of planet in the first place.  At worst, it can make the early game exruciating; at best, it just doesn't make sense.

4: Many traits actually cause their parent faction to be way under or over the custom faction point limit naturally.  This may be a less impactful point, but it does raise a lot of eyebrows and pointed questions about balance.  I'm aware this is almost incidental, since a faction gets designed and THEN the point costs get determined for its individual features, but the phenomenon still exists.

Example: load up every base faction in the editor and see for yourself.  The trait totals are either under or over the limit for most of them.

While simply tweaking the costs of traits won't resolve the issues described, it may punish players less for experimenting with interesting combinations--which I would think is the entire point of creating custom factions...

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6 years ago
Nov 9, 2018, 8:38:41 AM

I do share, it takes a lot of trait space, but offers not enough for it cost.

Also, is till can't understand why you "nerfed" trait amount and etc. for custom factions.

Vodyani have 115/95.

People turn off customs in multiplayer anyway, so using powerful CF in solo against AI that has % fidsi bonus is fun :P

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