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Behemoths should have factional looks

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6 years ago
Mar 5, 2019, 1:33:36 AM

Pretty disappointed that the behemoths have the same style. When I first heard of them being introduced into the game I was really excited to see how each factions behemoth would represented but they are all the same. 

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6 years ago
Mar 5, 2019, 10:11:14 AM

Hello Vacmidvally,

you're not alone in that sentiment. Many in the community have expressed the same feeling. However, a variety of reasons contributed to the BEhemoths receiving a shared design. Viewing the Behemoths from a lore perspective, they are meant to be ancient (Endless) artifacts recovered by the younger civilizations who do not yet have the technology or industrial base to build these massive ships.

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6 years ago
Mar 5, 2019, 7:42:40 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

Hello Vacmidvally,

you're not alone in that sentiment. Many in the community have expressed the same feeling. However, a variety of reasons contributed to the BEhemoths receiving a shared design. Viewing the Behemoths from a lore perspective, they are meant to be ancient (Endless) artifacts recovered by the younger civilizations who do not yet have the technology or industrial base to build these massive ships.

And when you specialize them it's just figuring out the controls!

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6 years ago
Mar 6, 2019, 2:45:50 AM

I consider specialization to be more along the lines of "we found this great toy, how can we make it even better?!" They're not starting from scratch, they're taking what they already have and modifying it. Given that it is recently rediscovered technology, it would make sense that any modification discovered by one empire could be stolen, borrowed, copied or otherwise snatched by another empire and the look would remain more-or-less the same, hence the continuing "shared look" even of the specializations. 

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6 years ago
Mar 6, 2019, 5:23:52 AM

Hi Vacmidvalley, 

This was something that was highly debated within the Beta, as well as something requested by a lot of the Beta players, but as Cat explained the Behemoths were unable to have specialized designs. I'd recommend using the Grey Behemoths Mod, or requesting some of the Modders in the community and see if they're able to work something out. I know that the creator of the Watchers faction mod was able to customize the skin of the Behemoths to match his faction (likewise, if you're good at modding you could always create a mod). 

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6 years ago
Mar 6, 2019, 5:26:40 AM
Valadeus wrote:

I consider specialization to be more along the lines of "we found this great toy, how can we make it even better?!" They're not starting from scratch, they're taking what they already have and modifying it. Given that it is recently rediscovered technology, it would make sense that any modification discovered by one empire could be stolen, borrowed, copied or otherwise snatched by another empire and the look would remain more-or-less the same, hence the continuing "shared look" even of the specializations. 

I think the reasoning behind the DEVs when discussing why all the Behemoths are the same is that (from a lore perspective) much of the Endless tech discovered by modern factions is still far too advanced to be fully utilized, and things such as Behemoths, which would be likely some of the most advanced starships that the Endless utilized, are still way ahead of the technology levels of even the most advanced factions (meaning that they have no current way of modifying, upgrading, or even creating better designs of the Behemoths). This could always change in the future though. 

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6 years ago
Mar 6, 2019, 10:15:20 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

Hello Vacmidvally,

they are meant to be ancient (Endless) artifacts recovered by the younger civilizations who do not yet have the technology or industrial base to build these massive ships.

But we can literally build like 12 of these things during a session if somebody wanted too.  Come on now. Who you fooling :).  If you want to talk about lore thats immersive. I am all for it.  How about this. So the first one you make has some special traits. Its unique and you can't duplicate that tech because of how advanced it is. Your smart tech engineers however can somewhat replicate the aspects of the tech making lesser versions of those models. That brings their own look of course.  That make sense to me.  

So the first behemoth BIG BIG like what we see. it can turn into 3 of those options that are in the game of course but the others after it, lesser versions of the first one.  

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6 years ago
Mar 6, 2019, 7:59:27 PM

From a non-lore perspective, it simply was more efficient. It would have taken a lot of time and effort to design and then create a unique appearance for all of the factions. The artists don't instantly know how exactly things should look and there fore there is trial and error for designing new stuff. It takes a fair emount of time just to create a single, smaller, ship, let alone the giant behemoths. This also would mean more design time for NEW factions. This is time (and money) that can be better used in other areas. It is nice that they came up with a lore reason though.

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6 years ago
Mar 8, 2019, 10:06:42 AM

As pointed out already, this was also a debate in the beta, but I have to agree with the Devs that they d rather spend their ressources on more urging matters than, those maybe not perfect but working skins and leave those requests to our owesome modders. The grey skins don t even prohibit completion of steam badges if I, remember correctly.

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