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Fanific Idea Feasibility: Diary of a Lumerian trade delegate in the United Empire

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6 years ago
Mar 9, 2019, 4:03:31 PM

I have been toying with an idea for a fanfic for a bit now. It would be structured as the diary of a Lumerian businessman living in the United Empire to serve as a representative of his outside trading company. After recapping the prior events - how their empires fought, settled a truce, and are now in an awkward alliance - the diary offers the protagonist's perspective on the game's storyline and his observations as a Lumeris on the United Empire's society. For example, one diary entry might have to do with how the imperial corporate world isn't as different from Lumerian society as it likes to believe, while another offer his (private) reaction to Zelevas' decision to rule indefinately and the crisis this provokes. 

I am more familiar with the United Empire lore at the moment and need to brush up on the Lumerian storyline. Beyond that, does this sound feasible? If you have any feedback or ideas, let me know.

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