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Possibility of Seeing the Academies Capital Ships in Game the Future?

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6 years ago
Apr 10, 2019, 5:56:13 AM

I'm currently studying concept art and recently I talked to this guy from Treyarch who mentioned that most concept art nowadays is down with 3D modeling (and has transitioned away from traditional digital painting). 

With that being said it would mean that the Academy capital ships from the Vaulters Quest have already been 3D modeled and so aren't that far away from being able to be included in the game, right? (unless of course, this is a digital painting, but deadass I'd pay a few bucks for a small DLC that included non-major faction ships if that got Amplitude to have a 3D modeler and animator work on the ships). 

Their design is super cool and I think it'd be awesome to have more non-major faction ships included in-game in some way shape or form. Also, it'd give the possibility of them being added for modders to include in-game for players, which might help with the RPG aspect of ES2 and its issue with replayability. 

Would love to hear from the DEVs if this would be something feasible in the future. 

Updated 6 years ago.
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