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Cravers on hard

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2 years ago
Jul 17, 2022, 7:08:52 PM

Even though I consider my self experienced 4x gamer I find it very difficult to deal with the AI and especially cravers on "hard" difficulty.

The overall AI in ES is good, I find it challenging on "hard", but cravers are aggressive and militaristic so much that I pray that they start next to my spot not because I like to fight them but because the sooner you deal with them the better, if cravers start far from you they will only get stronger over time and in late game may be too difficult to overcome them, because only human player can really deal with them.

Now if all the AI's would be so militaristic and aggressive that would be a gameplay that everybody dreams of - a truly challenging AI's, I wonder why all AI's aren't focusing on military and conquest as much as cravers? wouldn't that be great?

I mean, other AI's could freely pursue their victory objectives, but main focus of every AI should be military in order to survive.

Updated 2 years ago.
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2 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 6:12:50 AM

AI role-playing their faction affinity, so unless they are Cravers, Hissho or have shit-ton of resources, they aren't aggressive for the sake of being aggresive.

This isn't a bad thing, as there are many ways to win the game, and other factions are better at that.

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2 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 6:55:21 AM
Sublustris wrote:

AI role-playing their faction affinity, so unless they are Cravers, Hissho or have shit-ton of resources, they aren't aggressive for the sake of being aggresive.

This isn't a bad thing, as there are many ways to win the game, and other factions are better at that.

If I turn off victory conditions then their role playing will become useless, in which case the AI needs to adjust itself to military only, but does it?

craver style aggressiveness and conquest is universal and a paravan to any victory they like, not an obstacle.

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2 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 5:49:03 PM

Not really, as they are only a threat early on, but fall off quickly once you tank them long enough. Then they devour their planets and their FIDS production drops off dramatically.

Every faction is good at some things and not so good at others. So when you disable certain victory conditions, but leave factions suitable for them in, I don't know why do you expect different outcome. This isn't about adjusting play style (AI does so to a degree), it's about putting AI into unfavorable for it conditions.

If you want focus on elimination, play ES1, there AI just seeks an excuse to start the war, regardless of the faction.

If you want aggressiveness in ES2, rise difficulty further from hard. Any AI will be more prone to behave aggressively, as it'll have more resources in its disposal.

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2 years ago
Jul 18, 2022, 10:17:02 PM
Sublustris wrote:
So when you disable certain victory conditions, but leave factions suitable for them in, I don't know why do you expect different outcome. This isn't about adjusting play style (AI does so to a degree), it's about putting AI into unfavorable for it conditions.

"disabling victory conditions puts the AI in unfavorable condition" you say.

therefore if the only victory condition set is score and domination then the AI should be aggressive and focus on military because it's the only way to win in such setup.

higher difficulty will work but the AI will pursue it's goals regardless that don't matter if victory conditions are off.

I would like to know whether the AI adjusts it self according to victory conditions?

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2 years ago
Jul 19, 2022, 6:02:41 AM

Sorta? AI's motivation to pursue specific victory condition increases, as it gets closer to it, but before that it deems all conditions, aside of score, to not be feasible for the moment. So if you disable all of them, motivation to get them will never be above zero.

That said, to create truly all-aggressive AI regardles of the faction, you have to mod it. To my knowledge, elimination isn't a specific condition AI is aware of. Default AI just doesn't work like that.

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