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The main flaw of current battle system

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 2:27:34 PM

The current system may look like it's based on rock paper scisors however if you look more closely the way things work your choices are more like trajectories of your ships and will decide how long they will stay at long medium and short range during battle.

But the problem is that they also add some effects, for instance i only use prudent (supposedly long range compatibility) for my battles and yet i win almost every time without suffering damage (thanks to the prudent heal after battle).
And i use this even with ships using short or medium range weapons, it ends up being completely OP all the time.

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3 years ago
Jul 29, 2022, 1:46:51 PM
SpikedWallMan wrote:

@Daarkarrow and @The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales, it looks like we've got two spammers here.

Done, thx for letting us know

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