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My ally ask me to attack system, but prevent me to attack, and then reproch me i haven't attacked.

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5 years ago
Oct 15, 2019, 12:40:17 PM

This is this old problem : "The system is protected",

Because when you arrive, a ship already assiege the system.

But this become annoying when it is your own ally that mark enemis system as 'to be attacked',

Then you arrive (and its spend lot of effort, i rarely do that... in endless level, fleets usually have something else, more important, to do !),

And then you found the ally fleet that already assiege the system.

Then you cannot attack because of the "system is protected" problem,

And then he reproch to you that you have not attacked :(

I understand this mecanism, to avoid leaching planet when others players already attack the planet.

But if the attack is asked by ally, perhaps this rule could be desactivated ?

So, i propose this solution : You can attack,

A, perhaps, if you take the planet, then the planet is taken not by you but by the first attacker... your ally... (so, it could be a real ally operation)

If the problem is to limit leaching, extend this to all system attack, included player and pirate and.. all who could be concerned.

The second problem about " system is protected" and you cannot attack, is, in the same game,

my ally attaquing a pirat base and since he is on this system, i bet i has no more troup to invade the system.

But its fllet stay here, and bloc the operation to push pirates out...

This is not exactly the same problem, but here also something could be done ?

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5 years ago
Oct 15, 2019, 7:35:57 PM

Sound like not really acceptable, even if possible.

And if there are hidden variable about the state of the alliance ?

Anyway if the only fix is to ignore a problem, then a fix should be simply to remove the functionnality in the program...

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5 years ago
Oct 22, 2019, 10:04:50 AM

Can you please share the save? To my knowledge, blockades by your allies should not stop you from invading. However, there is a bug where a quest ship you can not attack prevents the invasion, and I would like to see if that is what's happening here, or this is a different bug.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Nov 2, 2019, 5:59:45 PM
Mourioche wrote:

Finally i've could make a save

Watch on Cilphi.

My ally ask me to attack, but prevent me to do this.


I always thought that was annoying, but normal. Glad that you now have a save.

I did notice something else as well.

Did you ever look at your relics? 

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5 years ago
Nov 2, 2019, 7:49:16 PM


It is not normal ?

... No it is not... of course...

First time i saw this i was thinking this was a rounded error in some calcul... but i did not search why i have this...

I do not remember exactly since i have this.

Perhaps it is since i take Aquarius and Tekal for the academy, but i'm not sure. (but i know, this do not deal with relics... but it is when i saw "floating numbers" as ressources given by academy for these systems)

Or perhaps since i allowed 2 relics to the hero at qarius. In one click it has taken 2 relics.

No, if i do this from an old save, all is ok...

i did not do other things than these 2 relic moves in this game.

Sorry, i've search in old save but the only save i have before this is a long time before.

I'm not sure i can reproduce this...


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5 years ago
Nov 3, 2019, 10:44:34 AM

I know the relics had this problem, but  i tought it was fixed. Hopefully a Dev will look into this next week as well as the Guarding system issue.

On which version do you play? I would recommend the patchpreview of Steam, it's under the beta tab.

Kind regards,


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5 years ago
Nov 3, 2019, 11:03:25 AM

I'm playing on V1.5.10 S5

With all DLC

With mods 'Black heroes' and 'FrenchMod', who do not modify games rules.

I'm not on patch preview.

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5 years ago
Nov 4, 2019, 9:06:42 AM

On the topic of allies asking you to attack and preventing it, I've reported that to the team, but afte talking to the designers, I am not sure it is unintentional anymore, since it also serves to stop the AI from sniping systems you want to invade.

Regarding the relics, the decimals are probably caused by the relics rewarded by the Academy oddly scaling with game speed. Where you playing on Slow speed, by any chance?

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5 years ago
Nov 4, 2019, 7:51:01 PM

Yes, i'm in slow speed.

And i'm now sure: These "floating numbers" are in the game since i took the two systems for the academy.

For the allies ok it could be as intented for some reasons,

But this ally could - at least - cancel the attack demand if he's itself attacking the system.

I often seen allies do not cancel obsoletes attack demand; for example when a peace is decided with the attacked played, attack demands still remain...

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5 years ago
Nov 8, 2019, 11:05:25 PM

This is exact.

The 1.3333333 relics come from the academy when you give a system.

And this come from the slow game speed.

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