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Battle dimension

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8 years ago
Oct 2, 2016, 10:13:50 PM

Hey Hello!
First of all sorry for my bad english (made by google translation), I am French and I have endless space 1 and another of your games.
I saw the video of "joueur du grenier / bazar du grenier" and it did show the combat system.
as he say so, it'll look a lot like the "shi fu mi" or at least of his pass or his case.
I find it a bit silly in the sense ok when you control a people we can give military orders but we have no control over the Batail field; but as long ago as the officers on the ground who makes the decision.
and this aspec there I do not find on any game or the soldier are foolishly starting order what it costs or takes the control of the fight.
which would interraissant: have a high grader (not necessarily a hero) which we know his psychological profile, and based on that it is he (a so ia) who will be able to make decisions when fighting (and possibly taking into account of contraines I would give)
can be just as, during a battle, he made the decision not to follow my orders, if they go against his moral principles.
it is a dimension that I would like to see in a 4x

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8 years ago
Oct 4, 2016, 9:15:25 AM

I don't thinks that could be a good Idea, As I see in an amplitude interview, you're an emperor, not a general , Furthermore ,  we're in a 4x, not an STR ^^"

nonetheless , the happiness index could be great to see if your population agree with your method

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