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Why is fleet size limited to 4 ships?

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 3:05:59 PM

I think this feature was inherited from EL right? If in EL it can be explained by the armies walking on the land for instance and thus having a limited piece of land to move, it doesn't make any sense in space. So why can't we make armadas of ships as long as we have the resources to do so? Players won't generally build like 100 ships in their playthrough, so we can reasonably assume that at most, there will be around 10-15 ships in a fleet. Why is 10-15 ships a problem? Balance issues? Battle display issues? Thanks. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 3:12:40 PM

There is technology to increase fleet size. 

And it is a pseudo balance issue. Having a larger fleet means you have more ships in one combat.. which means you have more firepower than the opponent. 

Also in the battle planner you can see that, they will later implement reinforcements to battles, then fleet size will matter even more. 

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 4:29:21 PM

i think there will be more possibilities: attacking with more fleets and more tactical gameplay than in ES1. But they are still in the begining of the developement.

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 5:02:03 PM

you can have multiple flotillas in a combat. i am not sure the max, but i've seen 2, and it looks visually like the max would be 3 per side.

the 'broadside' guns can probably fire on 2 flotillas.

fleet size limits the buffs you can put out from a hero or support module;  if your fleet was one blob, buffs could rapidly get out of control and dominate combat totally.

as is, i think the command size increase techs are probably too powerful; if command size is intended to limit the impact of blobbing, it's not going to do it very well if i can have 27 command points + 3 heros in a single combat at era2.

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 6:32:26 PM
TheDeadlyShoe wrote:

the 'broadside' guns can probably fire on 2 flotillas.

These is indeed true once you have 3 flotillas against 1. It might make for deeper tactical considerations when the combat becomes more developed, but it seems odd that I currently get punished with higher repair costs when I outnumber an opponent

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