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Overcolonization Penalty too high in Tiny Galaxies?

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 7:31:40 PM

I was testing out a game on a Tiny galaxy when I saw I already had a -18.8 Happiness Overcolonization penalty with just 3 systems. I shudder to think how much it'll drop if I grab a 4th system. I know it's a ratio of the available systems in a galaxy, but this feels extremely cramped. Do you think the Overcolonization penalty grows too fast for Tiny galaxies?

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 3:31:49 PM

I had a game yesterday... all was good, money was going in, I was kicking ass 

Suddenly I am broke and all my systems are unhappy or in rebellion! At first I read it as overpopulation issues.... so what did I do! I colonized even more! 

Yes please do laugh... I know I did! 

But really this effect is just a really primitive way to solve a larger issue. If they are going to have this sort of thing then at least do it like Stellaris do with sectors... it is a simple system and it means you are still sort of in control. 

By having a sector system it could also do all sorts of special interactions with the politics system! Plenty of interesting ways to do it without just having a single stat that gives a disproportional negative modifier which makes no sense. 

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