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Star bases and astroid fields

would you like to see starbases
no bad idea
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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 1:55:04 AM

After several play through I would like to discuss star bases.

We have asteroid fields that are underutilized in the game world. They provide resource boosts. On a large galaxy map you could have quite a number of these. Your empire might need to secure and defend such areas of space. Protect trade routes and provide platforms for fleet support and replenishment. The way this could be done is with the construction of much needed star bases. These would be in ship design, essentially static ships. They could range from science outposts to fully upgraded fleet and trade support stations. This would liven up those asteroid fields.

Asteroid fields need to be visually inspiring. Have plasma or ice fields. Sound and animated in battle views. A place where empires collide across the great voids.

Different strategic types of asteroid fields. The introduction to Nebulas providing diversity and life to the galaxy that have movement and combat negative buffs. Like Tempest DLC in Endless Legend. The asteroids are like the seas of space. Use them more effectively.

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 4:15:38 AM

Would be a neat feature for DLC, but I don't think it's especially critical for release.

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 10:42:42 AM

I proposed a stabase idea a while back, i figured they would operate much like the Vodyani arks. Also enviormental effects on systems seem to be in the code. As there is also an enviromental effect that is unused in space combat.

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8 years ago
Oct 18, 2016, 2:14:09 PM
The devs have already stated that it is a goal to include various location specific elements into the 3d battles. So that we get variation.
I have proposed that location further more should be a thing to consider from a battle point of view. So we can for example get system defense structures, that will provide bonuses etc. in battle.

In general I think it is very vital that systems get strategic relevance, and are not just there as pointless clutter. And the game already have several features that seem to suggest we might get more of that down the road. (For example the unique planets etc.)

As for space stations.... I like space stations as passive structures rather than as an active game element. Funny enough the feature I always disliked the most in the gal civ series is the space stations, too much of the game ends revolving around them in a sort of meh kinda way. 

By passive I mean that it is a system improvement you can construct, and then it will provide passive benefits. So all you have to do is select a system under your control and tell it to be built and it will start construction, and perform its function. None of that construction ship meh thing. Construction time could then simply scale with how developed the system is. 

It is simple and it would add another strategic layer to the game. 

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8 years ago
Oct 19, 2016, 11:53:43 AM

In reality I think that each system has a space station (for trade, science experiments, population transport and so on...).

A planet cannot operate without a space station in an era of space travel.

What I would see it as is a way for it to get improved with time and maybe even construct additional stations.

Those would be for defence (just like militia in EL) which would be a good benefit for civilizations that invest in peace (currently if you love peace but want to survive you need to build an army).

A space station would be a static defence for the star system that would be considered a strange combination of pacific/military. 

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8 years ago
Oct 19, 2016, 4:32:28 PM

I'm with the others. I'm voting "Yes", but yes as in "Yes this would be cool as DLC or a mod" not "Yes this needs to be in the game upon release".

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8 years ago
Oct 19, 2016, 8:05:40 PM

would love space station to work kinda like external building in endless legend. build them and they provide different bonus....but they can be attacked/destroyed  independantly from the system as well.

they could do so much things:

-providing vision bonus

-stopping ennemy movement (like fleet in defence does)

-giving economic boost

-repairing ship

and so on....

what would be sweet is to have them builded on the conection between node...close to the system.

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