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Space station/ denfense station

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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 10:14:03 AM

I guess it must either be WIP or other people have asked for it but it would be great if we could have some defense station that would allow for systems to defend from enemy fleets while you don't have any allied fleets arround (not unlike the ability to attack the cities have in CIV games for instance).

What i would see would be the ability to build different space stations (the total number would be depending on the system population cap for instance or the number of planets and their size etc).

We could have multiple types of stations (military heavy armed ones or research and even hydroponics and commercial hubs).

From a gameplay point of view they would be similar to the voydani arks but they wouldn't be able to be moved (and one could work around with their modules like one does with the arks).

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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 7:48:53 PM

You mean like in Galactic Civilizations? ;)

From a gameplay point of view those would be identic to system improvements, right? I mean, as they would be placed in a system and spacial placement doesn't play a role in this game.
Only exception I can think of would be the ability to build a space station in an astroid field or uncolonized or even unfriendly system, but then again, how would that improve gameplay?

Sorry if I sound a bit harsh, I do like your idea but I'm having difficulties trying to picture how it would fit into ES2!

Edit: More happy reactions are found here when this was suggested earlier. :)

Edit2: Or here where the relation space stations/astroid fields was mentioned as well.

*should search more before replying*

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 10:41:58 AM


We like the idea of space station but we don't know if we will be able to push it into the game. Still, if it doesn't make it in for release, that's clearly something we will look at for later.


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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 11:10:47 AM

well in the current gameplay the arks, while they are anchored, are literraly giant space stations, so i believe that "normal space stations" could behave like this (they would actually be considered like ships (and thus can be destroyed by enemies entering the system)) and like the arks we could use their support modules to define their role. I believe there is already everything needed for this to work already in the game's code (all that's left is to make it so we can only build a limited number)

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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 11:34:48 AM
Pejman wrote:

well in the current gameplay the arks, while they are anchored, are literraly giant space stations, so i believe that "normal space stations" could behave like this (they would actually be considered like ships (and thus can be destroyed by enemies entering the system)) and like the arks we could use their support modules to define their role. I believe there is already everything needed for this to work already in the game's code (all that's left is to make it so we can only build a limited number)

In addition to the gameplay design and programming, this would require considerable art work :)

Nonetheless, we would like to go further and create a cool unique gameplay that could also open new options to the Vodyani, and not let them feel that they just have a new type of Ark.


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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 1:16:41 PM

well voydanis could get upgrades to their current arks instead (since in the beginning the arks are quite strong but they really start to fall behind starting era 3/4 where people can just come with a ship squad and just blast your ark without even trying to invade the planets)

 also there should be at least 2 types of station hulls, the defense type and the support type. (the defense would be most used at peripheral systems to provide protection while support type can be outfited with support modules like the arks to boost fidsi and maybe population cap)

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