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Vodyani Population - 50% Food on System

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7 years ago
Nov 7, 2017, 9:22:22 PM

This is a borderline bug report, but it's more an issue of game design with severe unintended consequences. 

Voydyani population has -50% food on system. 

That's fine - for Vodyani. But any other race picking up a single Vodyani population (by conquest or by the 'random population' anomoly) ends up with a system with a crippled food production from a single population. This really needs adjusting - either making it impossible for other races to acquire Vodyani at all, or removing the -50% on system for the pops (and make it an Empire trait for Voydani instead).

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Nov 8, 2017, 4:32:15 AM

Yep agreed. Found a vodyani in a curiosity, had to leave them in the systems hangar for the rest of the game. 

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7 years ago
Mar 20, 2018, 5:10:11 AM

I agree. We need to remove the -50% foods on system for the pops and make it an Empire trait for Vodyani instead.

Also we need to solve the manpower problem of Vodyani. Vodyani only converts 5% of the food to manpower. Vodyani need to have same manpower as other factions. Vodyani convert 10% of the food to manpower first, and get half of the remaining 90% of the food. Then we have twice the manpower now, and the same food as now.

Another solutioin is to give x5 growth stock requirements to vodyani. because Vodyani pop can work on five planets at the same time. or not x5, [x the number of planets of system] is good too.

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