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special landing sequence for unique planets.

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7 years ago
Jan 6, 2018, 12:22:20 AM

Hey guys, does it annoy as much as it annoys me, that when you settle on Auriga you get that frozen planet settle animation??

So here's what I'm going to do, I'm creating art for the Unique planets, not animated because my anime software is synfig and its not powerful enough to render that.

I'm right now drawing that unique barren planet, you know, the red & green one, because it bugged me that it had the standard barren animation, but I don't think I can do the others as well.

If you want to join me in making unique landing animations for the unique planets, please post them here. I'm gonna post my artwork here soon :)  

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7 years ago
Jan 15, 2018, 6:19:07 PM

I was a bit disappointed its not already in the game, so i am looking forward to see your artwork. Would love to have them in the game, besides a further development of this game feature!

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7 years ago
Jan 16, 2018, 2:41:08 AM

Put this in the idea section !! It's good !! 

Like seeing the Husk of Knowledge when you land on Auriga or the cities and abandoned landscape of Tor 

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7 years ago
Jan 25, 2018, 12:27:16 AM

Hello Guys,

I know you're all waiting to see the planet kyros, but it's taking longer than I anticipated. I'm currently trying to get a job outside Germany as an engineer and since ger isn't in the washington accord it's not that easy.

So, the whole surface drawings is what keeps me waiting, I painted the sky and some buildings but the surface still looks like sh**. In order to shorten your waiting time, I provide you with info on kyros. In the campaign you see it red with some sparks of green. It is a barren planet, which means it has no atmosphere, this also means that the red can't come from rusted iron, so I was thinking the only possible solution for this is Lava. During the war the surface got damaged so now the core is visible, this is still immersive since barren planets only need to have no atmosphere and the lava isn't really moving.

For the green part, I stole from fallout 4. Since it was a bio planet that got eradicated by ABC weapons, Radiation is a potent way to kill everything, therefor the green derives from radiated landmarks.

Sorry to keep you all waiting, but the surface is Really a difficult issue. I'm using paint.net. The lava pits took me more than a day, as well as a tank that I was drawing and with all the applications I have to fill it will take a while :-( . Never knew how difficult one of these surface paintings can be, I have to give creds to the devs for painting all of them :D 

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7 years ago
Feb 2, 2018, 8:20:48 AM
thiasss wrote:

Hello Guys,

I know you're all waiting to see the planet kyros, but it's taking longer than I anticipated. I'm currently trying to get a job outside Germany as an engineer and since ger isn't in the washington accord it's not that easy.

So, the whole surface drawings is what keeps me waiting, I painted the sky and some buildings but the surface still looks like sh**. In order to shorten your waiting time, I provide you with info on kyros. In the campaign you see it red with some sparks of green. It is a barren planet, which means it has no atmosphere, this also means that the red can't come from rusted iron, so I was thinking the only possible solution for this is Lava. During the war the surface got damaged so now the core is visible, this is still immersive since barren planets only need to have no atmosphere and the lava isn't really moving.

For the green part, I stole from fallout 4. Since it was a bio planet that got eradicated by ABC weapons, Radiation is a potent way to kill everything, therefor the green derives from radiated landmarks.

Sorry to keep you all waiting, but the surface is Really a difficult issue. I'm using paint.net. The lava pits took me more than a day, as well as a tank that I was drawing and with all the applications I have to fill it will take a while :-( . Never knew how difficult one of these surface paintings can be, I have to give creds to the devs for painting all of them :D 

Your efforts are much appreciated! :)

I am glad somebody brought this up, because I've been longing for unique planet settling animations as well.

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7 years ago
Feb 16, 2018, 10:30:54 AM

Suspect actually devs have tons of work, so i won't expect this beig a priority. Anyway this looks awesome in terms if game art for future expansions.

If you decide to make an idea jusy pm me to upvote.

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7 years ago
Feb 19, 2018, 7:46:47 PM

I will put the first drawing on soon in the section: "post your fan art"

Don't recall the actual name of the forum. As to my job search, I've got an offer from ireland :D. I actually wanted outside the EU but I guess its okay and it's outside Germany which is what I wanted, so now I finally have the energy to put my work into the fan art.

Go visit the first picture under the fan art forum thread soon.

meilleurs salutations, 

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