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Redesign ship level up

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7 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 3:01:44 PM

Current level up of ship means more HP.

That doesn't make much logical sense and increases the inbalance between projectile defence and energy defence (thread on that here)

So I suggest we change it so that parameters like accuracy, ship evade, crit chance get increased as the crew gains experience.

On the highest levels we could also introduce a 1-5% of repair after battle as the crew is experienced in improvising repairs (but nothing significan just a small number).

An IDEA on this has been submitted but a topic in this section might be a good way to discuss it.

This is how levelling up looks currently:

Ship Level

Change to Maximum Health

XP Required




Rookie II



Rookie III






Veteran II



Veteran III






Elite II



Elite III






This is what I suggest it should look like:

(doesn't have to be exactly those values but you get the picture)

Ship Level




Rookie II

+1% accuracy, +1% ship evade

Rookie III

+2% accuracy, +2% ship evade


+4% accuracy, +3% ship evade, +1% crit chance

Veteran II

+5% accuracy, +4% ship evade, +2% crit chance

Veteran III

+6% accuracy, +5% ship evade, +3% crit chance


+8% accuracy, +6% ship evade, +3% crit chance, 1% HP repaired after battle

Elite II

+9% accuracy, +7% ship evade, +4% crit chance, 2% HP repaired after battle

Elite III

+10% accuracy, +8% ship evade, +5% crit chance, 3% HP repaired after battle


+12% accuracy, +10% ship evade, +7% crit chance, 5% HP repaired after battle

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 3:19:36 PM

Why would you delete my comment? I wasn't commenting on "the exact value" as you edited If you have read my comment fully. I was commenting on introducing more different "stats" would bring more RNG. Any number of different stat would hurt the combat more. If you really thought your idea is a solid one you could try to defend it rather than dismissing the counter points.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 5:37:52 PM

I didn't delete anything.
Your comments are present in the IDEA as you posted this and they are valid points.

In thin thread I just posted the idea for discussion as you suggested.

Anyone can decide if this suggestion is something to consider or not and present their point of view.

In my opinion providing an increase to those stats (accuracy, ship evade, crit chance) is logical and doesn't complicate things much.

I am not sure about the HP repair. I introduced it to make the Elite and Legendary stand out but I am not 100% sure this is a good stat to develop because crew gets more experience.

As you see even on Legendary level you get ONLY +12 to accuracy. That doesn't sound much for the maximum level you can reach.

The same goes for the other stats.

Remember that the HP bonus you get now means the ship has 2,5 the normal HP which means it survives 2,5 longer in battle (it it would be destroyed at all).

As a player all you need to keep in mind is that more experienced ships have a little better accuracy, are a little harder to hit and have slightly better chances at getting a critical hit.

I don't think that add much to any analysis you would make for engaging in battle.

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7 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 6:30:56 PM

I'm sorry for accusing you. Must have happened because I jumping through all the reference links throughout the thread and posted in the wrong section.

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7 years ago
Jan 21, 2018, 6:41:40 PM

About the idea though. Again I do think the leveling is boring but maybe rather than increasing minor bonuses with every level, giving Veteran-Elite and Legendary levels a distinguished one minor bonus but keeping the +% Maximum Health bonuses for Veteran 2, Veretan 3 and so on. This should give some flavor without overcomplicating things.

I wouldn't cheer for bonuses which increasing the RNG further but giving them bonuses like +%HP repair after battle, +1 movement speed or even -1 command slot for legendary. 

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7 years ago
Jan 22, 2018, 1:56:03 AM

I will agree level needs to count for something other than just apparently stapling more plating onto the outside of the ship. Base idea of increasing Accuracy/Evade seems reasonable to me, though I'd do it in more discreet chunks. Like, +2.5% for each at Rookie II and III, and then +5% Crit at Veteran, +2.5% for each at Vet II and III, etc. etc.

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7 years ago
Jan 22, 2018, 4:57:27 AM

Got my vote, hate the leveling system in place for ships.

I would have it go Rookie 1-2-3

Evasion 1/3/5%

Then Veteran,

Damage increase 1/3/5% addition


1/3/5% Hp repair during each phase of combat.

Lastly, Legendary,

Crit 5% bonus to base crit, OR crit damage multiplier of 10%~

Make things more interesting, also these suggestions are assuming we get a defense rework which has been talked about to allow battles to last a bit longer. As if the HP's of all hulls are back to there base values, battles will really last a very short time everytime.  So for this to work, all hulls defenses and hulls need to be brought inline with damage.   As in game now Legendary HP is a neccecisty to make it to the second phase of battle in almost all situations.  

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7 years ago
Jan 22, 2018, 9:38:51 AM

Yes a rework of damage / defences is needed and I hope that it is a priority for developers.


I would be strongly agains reduction of command points as for attacker class ships it means you can have an infinite number of ships.

For larger hulls it still don't see that in game as for larger fleets it would create huge power differences.

The movement speed bonus would be easy to implement but we should be careful how much extra movement would be added if you are on legendary.

A +2 is the maximum I think would be acceptable.

HP repair after battle I am all for that. The question is should this be only after battle or should during each battle phase be considered?

I think that with low numbers we could make both work.


I wouldn't want to end up with to high values at the end.

If we do +2,5 accuracy / evade each level then we end up with +22,5% (or 17,5% if we don't add it at Veteran and Elite if I understood you correctly).

As for critical chance I would not increase it to much. +2,5% each level starting from Veteran is to much at Legendary level (+15%)

Keep in mind that the evasion bonus will get increased with better engines.

But since accuracy and evade would increase at the same rate then the final bonus would be just the difference between ship levels which may end up being 5% in a two level gap.

So this does sound good.


Just to make sure I got you correct. On a Legend level the ship would have 5% evasion, +5% damage, 5% HP repair each phase and +5% crit chance (or more damage on crit).

Or should the evasion and damage keep on rising in Elite?

I am not so certain that HP repair during each phase is a good idea if it restores 5% on each phase. 

I don't want to overpower this if you add repair modules and increase the repairs further.

But on the other hand currently on Elite III you have more then twice your HP so maybe this isn't overpowering and lets face it 5% each phase isn't a lot.

The basic repair module gives you 15% repair after battle.

So a revised table that I would suggest would look like this:

Ship Level




Rookie II

+2,5% accuracy, +2,5% ship evade

Rookie III

+5% accuracy, +5% ship evade


+5% accuracy, +5% ship evade, +5% crit chance

Veteran II

+7,5% accuracy, +7,5% ship evade, +5% crit chance

Veteran III

+10% accuracy, +10% ship evade, +5% crit chance


+10% accuracy, +10% ship evade, +7,5% crit chance, 1% HP repaired each phase

Elite II

+12,5% accuracy, +12,5% ship evade, +7,5% crit chance, 2% HP repaired each phase

Elite III

+15% accuracy, +15% ship evade, +7,5% crit chance, 3% HP repaired each phase


+17,5% accuracy, +17,5% ship evade, +10% crit chance, 5% HP repaired each phase

Updated 7 years ago.
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