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Why doesn't chain gang reset a pop's chance to increment?

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7 years ago
Mar 2, 2018, 12:54:22 AM

So I'm not one of those that wants to purge my empire of all minor pops. But sometimes I do want to limit the growth of certain minor populations (like Haroshems if it is late game and all my planets are terraformed). Chain gang (and the Virtual Dustylizer that can be found from a curiosity) would help with this, except the "chance to increment" does not reset to zero like it would if I let the new Haroshem grow. So, odds are (barring using a booster for another pop type) I will still get a Haroshem, just a few turns later. Changing this would make chain gang more useful for population micro.

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7 years ago
Mar 8, 2018, 12:07:46 AM

Oh, thanks. While it may seem like an "exploit," to me that sounds like a useful work around if my idea wasn't implemented. Though the part about decreasing the luxury boost cost seems like a more serious exploit.

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