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Endless Space Combat ideas

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7 years ago
Mar 7, 2018, 4:03:44 PM

Not sure if this has been brought up in the past.. if so I apologize.

I really enjoy watching the space battles in Endless space 2 and just had some ideas that would be neat to have for space combat and would also like to hear some of your ideas as well.

Combat cameras. I am a big fan of how star wars empire at war and the first endless space does their cinematic camera effects. 

-It would be good if first off that the player had an option to turn on and off the hud to give a cleaner movie effect

-If fighters were selectable units that you could select to follow with your camera. the auto camera already occasionally follows fighters when they are attacking vessels so it would be good if you had an option to select these yourself to watch them flying around.

-the ability to cycle between the vessels in your fleet would be great. Immediately switching between vessels would be better then having to manually fly across space between fleets.

-Boarding craft trailing cameras would be really cool to have as well. following the pods as they hurdle through space past on coming fire and impacting the enemy vessels would be a great effect to have.

Would like to hear your thoughts and any ideas you guys have.


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7 years ago
Mar 7, 2018, 8:03:39 PM

Ah great to see! Good on you for getting the ball rolling on that one. I would still like to see these other ideas discussed in the future hopefully though

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