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Keep combat results for the next turn until dismissed option

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7 years ago
Mar 19, 2018, 9:21:04 PM

Since the new shenanigans meta is "wait until end of turn and do not bother pressing *fight* button", and or the battle resolution takes for the most of the turn anyway  should it be timed (and locks the game doing so) it is not uncommon for the fight to end with the end of turn, where you get a 500 ms glimpse at the outcome and then no further information.

You can't look at the advanced screen and answer your WTF question, when your counter fleet gets rekt by someone using the third lane and hitting you at long range while you are not hitting them back at long range for some reason.

What I would appreciate is if the results of space combat lasted to next turn so one can actually read them under these horrifyingly more and more common circumstances.

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