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Firing Arcs on ships

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7 years ago
Mar 30, 2018, 12:29:04 PM


I have read a lot about space combat in this forums and it seems depending on you read that either there are firing arcs on the ships and they are intended, they exist and are unintended (bug to solve) or even that they dont exist.

Started a game with vaulters and my starting scout (Dart Class) was ambushed by a pirate during exploration, he choosed Shield Wall (Long) I choosed Turtle (Short) so Long, Medium and Short range combat rounds.

The Dart have a gun on the hull at the front on each broadside a strting kinetic one (the top turret gun is occupied with an engine).

On long range I shoot their missile down and do or take an occasional hit, om medium I starting hitting him until I arrive at the middle of the bend, there my gun stops shooting and he isnt taking any damage, missiles mostly explode harmsly (am I shoot them down or are they missing ? ), on short range I still dont shoot him and only the end of the round do I manage to get a couple of shots at him.

I tried this 3 times same results.

So once again can someone give some more precise information on this ? When disigning ships is Firing Arcs something you have to take into account ?


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 31, 2018, 5:56:09 AM

I just saw a post on reddit where someone figured out flight paths and firing arcs: On the Influence of Tactics on Cross-Flotilla firing (+some info on bombers). Also, I think there is at least one mod on the steam workshop that simplifies flight paths to try to limit cases where ships are unable to fire at the enemy.

I would also be curious if situations where one's ships are unable to fire at an enemy are intended by the devs or not.

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7 years ago
Mar 31, 2018, 9:06:42 AM
eruanion wrote:

I just saw a post on reddit where someone figured out flight paths and firing arcs: On the Influence of Tactics on Cross-Flotilla firing (+some info on bombers). Also, I think there is at least one mod on the steam workshop that simplifies flight paths to try to limit cases where ships are unable to fire at the enemy.

I would also be curious if situations where one's ships are unable to fire at an enemy are intended by the devs or not.

Thanks for the link it does shed some light on the issue, there is one thing that it is not correct though in the battles I fought my ship was behind the other ship most of the time and what the post says is that ships cannot fire to their backs.

If you take a look at the Dart model the hull guns are forward on the hull but shape of the hull prvents the guns form turning directly ahead.

Anyway yes an official word on this would be nice. 

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7 years ago
Apr 3, 2018, 7:21:55 PM

As a bare minimum it would be nice to get some visual feedback on why the enemy can hit me, but I can't hit them.

Without that, it just looks like a bug and leads to a very frustrating play experience.

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7 years ago
Apr 27, 2018, 11:44:38 AM

Thre really needs to be more information in game about combat because currently it's very unintuitive with all the hidden mechanics. 

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