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6 years ago
Jun 26, 2018, 4:54:14 PM

The balancing of this quest is a bit off imho.

I have a game where the whole hero requritment has been disabled for about 150 turns now, reason being that the AI does not give a **** about completing this quest, and the missing systems are in the other corner of the galaxy.

With the acadamy, market, and the whole stuff designed to feed into hero game-play (reduced hire-cost, laws for hero XP, etc) I find it such a waste that this stupid quest is always blocking the whole hero-recruitment feature for prolonged durations of time. It is not the first time I noticed. Basically every game we play (2humans, 6 AI) stalls when that quests get going (in terms of hero recruitment) and often times we have a winner even before this quest line is completed, as it takes (imho) way to long for a hero to claim a system for his/her side.

Just my 2cent

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 29, 2018, 8:13:05 PM

I second this. I generally have to end up sending my hero ships far and wide to scoutr the galaxy to finish this quest, because as you said, the computer don't give a $&^%&. 

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6 years ago
Jul 1, 2018, 7:54:52 PM

It definetly needs to be reworked so that it is less of an annoyance, until then I would just disable it.

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6 years ago
Jul 2, 2018, 9:56:14 AM

Completely agree.  This final quest line is very tedious. If they don't entirely rework it, they should at least reduce the number of systems by around a third. Also, because it takes so long to do and the systems are so spread out, while the AI starts out attempting it, their heroes inevitably die (at least I suspect this is what's going on) and of course are never healed, so the player is left to go to the edges of the galaxy alone to complete this.

There are other frustrating things. Why can fleets without heroes stop the team progress in the final battle? This just makes no sense, and the quest already puts barriers in front of the player that can mean war in order to complete it (like potentially closed borders). A quest that already takes far too long can be blocked by a fleet without the ability to take the objective for their own team, which just adds to the frustration.

I've never read a positive opinion about this quest, are you looking at changing this Amplitude?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 2, 2018, 10:31:01 AM

I think idea of this quest line is brilant, but it would work with real players. With AI its kind of clunky. I think Amplitude should script AI to focus on this quest line or re-work it somehow.

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6 years ago
Jul 2, 2018, 6:26:53 PM

It might be less of a roadblock if hero use was encouraged rather than punished during this quest.  The inability to heal heroes or recruit them means it's a very real possibility that all heroes can basically be out of the game, leaving the quest to just sit there and stagnate.  If hero healing was cheaper and faster instead, it would spur a flurry of activity from all empires in a mad rush to take the sites, prompting several possible game ends just by itself.

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