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Hissho need few QoL and probably Balance improvements.

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6 years ago
Aug 4, 2018, 1:42:29 PM

1. This is actually not only for Hissho but the turn new mining probe is ready there should be popout informing you about it.

2. Rituals that improve production of food and dust. You need to hover mause over Food/Dust in order to see that such an bonus is active and there is no indicator telling you when this bonus will end. There should be indicators how many turns lefted till rituals effects wil wear down.

3. Rituals descripoion of F/D ritual doesnt seem to specify that effect is system wide.

These were quality of life improvements.

I suspect that their Keyi mechanic makes them too strong. In turns 100+ if you keep acquiring systems by conquest and suffer no negative effects of overpopulation. You can also keep systematically apply FIDSI planet specialisations when Keji ritual is availiable. I would say that with each system post +/- 10th their max Keji Cap should be increasing and system loyalty should be based on procentage of filled Keji bar so with 20 systems it would required twice as much Keji to keep populations loyal. 

Of course this scaling system of mine design can be tuned up/down because I dont think mine exemplary numbers were even close to ones that would be needed to make Hissho balanced.

Alternative option is to make Keji start to decay if they dont fight for +/-5 turns.

Perhaps it would be good to mix both of these things to make Hissho balanced 

Or perhaps they are balanced already because I had not enough playthroughs to determine it and players are susceptible to believing that new factions are too strong at release as long as they are not very weak. Time will tell I guess.

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6 years ago
Aug 6, 2018, 6:19:45 PM

We do seem to still have a recurring sticking point with the Hissho: either their traits are undervalued or they're not valued properly as a whole.  50/60 population traits and 85/100 faction traits tells me something's up.

In general, it doesn't make sense to me that a newly designed major faction should have an affinity that allows for whatever total for traits and then be purposely designed NOT to use them all.

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6 years ago
Aug 6, 2018, 6:37:27 PM

Hissho have a particular balance problem in regards to the Approval maluses they now ignore. Ownership of planets is one thing, but they can also put up with all sorts of negative anomalies and planet types because their Approval maluses are completely gone.

I think for planet types and anomalies at least, Approval maluses should be turned into Influence maluses just like with every Approval bonus the Hissho otherwise convert into Influence bonuses. It would still allow them to expand as far as they please, but would no longer make terrible planets and anomalies such a complete non-entity for them.

Also as above, they don't really need to maintain their war economy. They can happily go on conquering and benefitting from their conquering indefinitely so long as they don't deliberately spend tons of Keii, which is very easy to do since their special abilities cost only very small amounts of Keii and all Keii loss is totally optional. Hissho need some sort of passive, mandatory Keii cost each turn.

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