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I think the riftborn are too strong

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6 years ago
Feb 17, 2019, 10:29:37 PM

I play all races, at endless level, I think I can say that I know almost all the tricks to play each of them well.
If I compare between races in all my games..... Every time I play riftborn, I feel like I'm playing a game in easy mode.

- Their outposts did not penalize the development of their capital, so they could immediately chain colonies and colonize faster than any race could do.

- The cost of manufacturing new population units is low, and very quickly, on each planet, we find ourselves with a growth much higher than what other races can do.

- As their population units give 5/5/5 (but it seems that this can change depending on the parameters of the game?), they are also superior to other races at the end of the game; but against AI it doesn't matter anymore, the game is usually over against AI when you are in endgame.

I think we should slow them down a little bit in their development.
Nevertheless, I like the originality of this exotic breed (they all are), I should not break their mechanism of operation.

A radical idea (and which will probably cause reactions can be hostile?):

- Would it be possible to limit the possibility of manufacturing new riftborn populations to colonies with a specific building, such as a portal to their home? I like this idea, it stays in the lore, and at the same time could greatly limit a riftborn that enchains colons, colonizes several planets simultaneously, and begins by manufacturing population units, simultaneously, on all its systems. I don't know if you play riftborn, but believe me, it's a completely explosive development. No race can have such a fast start.

Otherwise, some ideas in bulk, but I don't like them:

- Would it be possible for a outpost to penalize the planet of origin in one way or another? (I don't like it, it takes away one of their specificity)
- We could also consider an upkeep on the Riftborn population, but this may be for the endgame, and against the AIs we don't really know if the endgame is balanced so I don't know, and I like it moderately.

Well, i don't know what could be good to lower a little this race, but i'm sure that this race need something to be balanced...

I guess my comments here can trigger all kinds of reactions; I went through the forum and I saw threads where it was said that riftborn were too weak...
I wonder if I play the same games... but these threads are from more than a year ago, maybe the game has been modified since then?

Also, i'm surprised that almost nobody post something about this subject... do you think that this race is balanced with others ?

Game parameter i uses : 8 or 10 AI @ endless, pirates @ endless, galaxy size : big, or huge. Ressources : Normal or a lot. other parameters are @ default values.

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6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 4:28:54 AM

I like the idea of the portal but 


It doesn't really work when the last of Coroz comes in and the home dimension is basically all but evacuated. An interesting thing would be if you had to spend resources to colonize faster by using the portal in the early game before that quest, whereas normally colonizing as Riftborn is slower than other races. However, spending a few titanium, for example, would allow you to colonize at a comparably 25% faster rate. I'd like to see something like that. It's hard to change an entire faction at this point though so I doubt that it'll happen without mods.

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