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Vodyani and starting quest.

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6 years ago
Apr 1, 2019, 10:22:31 AM

Greetings everyone!
A small yet quite annoying rng might happen when you play Vodyani.
Their starting quest requires you to destroy pirate fleets. Problem is, those pirates spawn so randomly it is sometimes super easy or super hard to deal with them, what i mean is:
1. They can spawn on minor faction system instantly attacking your leechers.
2. They can spawn outside of your constelation forcing you to learn tech that allows to travel to other constelations.
3. They can spawn so far sometimes it takes eternity to reach.
AS i would be grateful if you made this quest less rng and abysmall to complete. Solutions:
1. Certain spawn range.
2. Can not spawn on minor faction system.
Thank you for your attention.

Have a nice day!

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