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some minor faction should have some unique space unit

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6 years ago
Apr 18, 2019, 5:10:55 AM

   some minor faction should have they own special ground unit or space unit .when it become part of you empire thoes unit should could be producted by the player.it is some way to  make the game great again.

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6 years ago
Apr 18, 2019, 1:27:04 PM

I am all for this. I always wanted to have a fleet with different faction ship designes. There are a few mods on the worshop, but they are static with specific added factions.  It would be cool to absorb or conquor a faction they gain access to thier ships

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6 years ago
Apr 19, 2019, 12:49:22 AM

consider the numbers of minor faction in the game .let the developer team to create so many new space unit is too much for them.so l sugeest some minor faction could provide special weapone module and   some minor faction  have space unit for product.the developer team need not create so many ship modle for the game.god have mercy on them

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6 years ago
Apr 26, 2019, 10:39:27 PM

Considering how little the role of minor factions is in the game (being absorbed by major factions) and their interaction with everyone (none), I don't see a reason to invest that much resources into them to make them look unique like other major factions.

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6 years ago
Apr 26, 2019, 11:44:59 PM

if  you want the universe more vivid,it should consider to be done,some minor faction could provide new space ship desige,some provide unique building or  function module or some extra bandwidth.this idea is come from the god.god told me his idea could make the game great again and let the developer team make lot of money  .it can make as a new dlc to sell

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Apr 27, 2019, 3:50:47 AM

but not all the player who have the minor faction could produce thoes unqiue unit  it also require the player controle the home system of thoes minor faction

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6 years ago
May 9, 2019, 7:14:19 AM

What's the point when it all comes down to modules in the end. You can buy ships from some minor factions. You want it to be like endless legend where every minor faction has a ground unit where one is OP as hell who has demons who are equal to some heroes. The hull design can be improved and instead of killing minor factions you protect them, in return the minor faction growth ships you don't need to build on your own. Other factions and pirates can kill your minor factions. With exception of Horatio none of the other factions gain anything on killing the factions, except for making the game annoying to have factions dying once another faction find them. Vodyani for example need minor factions to be leech hubs. The whole idea of taking over another minor faction by killing the faction is a flaw, in the end you start a war because a warmonger took a solarsytem in the middle of your own empire.

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6 years ago
May 9, 2019, 8:33:08 AM
talemore wrote:

What's the point when it all comes down to modules in the end. You can buy ships from some minor factions. You want it to be like endless legend where every minor faction has a ground unit where one is OP as hell who has demons who are equal to some heroes. The hull design can be improved and instead of killing minor factions you protect them, in return the minor faction growth ships you don't need to build on your own. Other factions and pirates can kill your minor factions. With exception of Horatio none of the other factions gain anything on killing the factions, except for making the game annoying to have factions dying once another faction find them. Vodyani for example need minor factions to be leech hubs. The whole idea of taking over another minor faction by killing the faction is a flaw, in the end you start a war because a warmonger took a solarsytem in the middle of your own empire.

Yeah, the minor factions don't add enough worthwhile options for all the different possible interactions to care about if the ships look cool or not.

But... I'd LOVE to see each minor faction with their own ship designs!  Some just really don't fit, like Aomeba ending up with pirate looking ships, lol.

Maybe a modder will come along and change out the ship designs for minor factions :D

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