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Give back bombs of ES1!

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5 years ago
Aug 14, 2019, 9:51:01 AM

Rather than start at core cracker level destruction, let's downsize to the good ol antipersonnel or anti-whatever bombs, which while not super popular, were actually quite handy in ES1.

You obviously need to bring bombers in the fleet to drop them!

There might even be a specific actual bombing scenario (planetary bombardment wink wink).

I understand this all should be hidden behind the "but aircraft causes more collateral damage, that should be enough!", but no! I want a button to nuke prior to getting to the undefeatable setup of fully upgraded aircraft + questline bonus.

I want to destroy 40 horatio pops and then bother with actual invasion, not face 10 turns of "they drafted and had 1 mp left standing so no!"

Also, since ideas get very little reception, I am posting it on the forums. Cause for some reason, that sometimes works.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Aug 14, 2019, 10:15:18 AM

I think core cracker module is proper to have such ability or bonus. If planet destruction is not that good enough, other things useful at siege can be a decent bonus.

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5 years ago
Aug 14, 2019, 5:03:16 PM

by the time you have core cracker, you have instakill air fleets of 10K mp invasion limit! I say core cracker is waste of time and resources, we need something sooner.

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