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Vodyani food consumption on endless speed

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5 years ago
Mar 14, 2020, 3:19:40 PM

Hi guys,

I'm trying playing Vodyani on second to last difficulty and on endless speed but I'm unable to produce enough food so my population starve. I have already developed all early improvements but is this working as intended? Should I be unable to keep population to maximum until I get all (even level 4) improvements?

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5 years ago
Mar 15, 2020, 8:15:52 AM

Dont worry, it happens because on Endless Speed population consumption and food needed for a new pop are doubled compared to normal speed, then with the vodyani you need even more since their consumption is higher, and that greatly hits their starting food income. Id suggest focusing more on production/science as you will probably get less of them while doing that. If you really want to keep pops though, try making behemoths.

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