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Why is the cost (in science) of technologies increasing?

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5 years ago
Apr 14, 2020, 8:02:15 AM

Hello, maybe someone could help me with someting i don't understand with Sophon :

I'm in round 90, and row 5 tech asks for 39797 science... It seemed expensive to me and I wanted to check on a new game the cost in science. 

When I start a new game (with the Sophons) we can see on the technology tree the following costs (in science) : 

- Rank 1: 131

- Rank 2: 158

- Rank 3: 788

- Rank 4: 2102

- Rank 5: 5256

But on my current game the cost of technology: 

- Rank 1: 995.

- Rank 2: 1194

- Rank 3: 15919

- Rank 4: 39797

Why the difference? What is the reason for it? 

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