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I don't get (or like ?) combat

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5 years ago
Apr 30, 2020, 11:54:08 AM


I understand many complicated games like Hearts of Iron 4, CK 2 and such but the combat in ES 2 eludes me. The "less control in battle" aspect doesn't bother me at all but I find it not so well implemented. I find it weird that a system with less controling becomes more convoluted and too complicated. I understand the basics like energy weapon/projectile weapon vs shields/hull etc. but the game completely loses me with the battle tactics options. like, flotilla lanes and how they function and corelations with weapon ranges. To that comes the cards, then there is combat phases then ship management inside the flotillas then dubleklicking makes them white for some reason (I still dont know what it does) and the locking in position button does nothing, then overal ship range vs specific gun ranges, then to all this comes an enemy fleet with random compositions of strengts. I mean....how can one see through ALL this and strategise. I find it a mess. If someone can give me suggestions I would be greatfull, since I like almost all other aspects of the game.



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4 years ago
May 28, 2020, 2:58:34 AM

For the basics about lanes and cards refer to 

ES2 combat comprehensive guide

If you try hard enough, you can probably find answers to all of your questions on the internet, mostly around reddit and steam.

If you are willing to put in the effort and research, maybe we could write up a guide together concerning all your unanswered questions afterwards ^_^
edit: apologies for the wrong link

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 28, 2020, 2:05:37 PM

thanks for clicking it though. I was just you know,...  checking if the OP was serious about the journey to enlightenment... =D

but then again, the post is month old, how did this show up in the most recent? We ded?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jun 3, 2020, 2:03:54 PM
koxsos wrote:

thanks for clicking it though. I was just you know,...  checking if the OP was serious about the journey to enlightenment... =D

but then again, the post is month old, how did this show up in the most recent? We ded?

Yeah the devs made sure of that when they all but abandoned the game. Have high hopes but low expectations for the forthcoming patch. 

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