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academy = pain

more like asscademy
it's bad but not that bad calm down
i actually like heavy rng in my 4x game
the dlc academy is perfectly fine
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4 years ago
Feb 27, 2021, 3:40:50 AM

Saw that we will be getting more dlc soon, here's my 2 cents in the hopes that they update the previous dlc

The academy is just an absolute PoS rn that nobody likes with the dlc. It adds a possibly crippling element based on rng early game that can practically halt progress when its most important. having the academy fleet sit on your planet starting turn 3 is absolutely abhorrent and I don't see how this was ever okay. Additionally getting the academy's favor is a win-more button that's less of a nifty bonus but more of a "I get to destroy whoever I want for several turns" that heavily favors most factions but is comparatively painful for some to use (vodyani and unfallen). That's assuming you get the spear and the rest of the possible bonuses are not even remotely good compared to the spear.

I get that there are mods that fix this but they usually come in a package full of stuff I don't want, and you shouldn't rely on the community to fix your game like Bethesda does.

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4 years ago
Mar 20, 2021, 5:13:54 AM

Personally I think the biggest issue with the Spear is its high manpower capacity, it allows you to capture far too many systems after the first grant. On subsequent grants it feels fine. Its not even rng all you have to do is make sure you get market access to sell luxuries and/or buy the strategics and you can have the Spear fleet on the first grant almost 100% of games. For subsequent votes, I find the other options are more comparable.

Updated 4 years ago.
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