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Need an in-game tool to measure interstellar distances

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7 months ago
Jul 14, 2024, 7:31:57 PM

Ever since Endless Space 1, the game has been sorely lacking a tool for measuring the distance between randomly selected star systems in order to predict the flight time of fleets between them.

A distance meter between randomly selected systems was already in Master of Orion 2 released in 1996. It's strange to see the absence of a much-needed tool in a strategy game released 20 years later.

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7 months ago
Jul 14, 2024, 10:35:02 PM

If I'm not mistaken, you select one of your  ships/fleets (left mouse click) and hover over a system or node of your choice same time keep pressing right mouse button. This way you can see the traveltime you need for to reach your destination (turn numbers should be shown even on waypoints to your destination). Hover in free space an stop pressing right mouse button, for not to execute move.

Updated 7 months ago.
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7 months ago
Jul 15, 2024, 2:24:50 PM

This method only works if a player has a fleet in one of the star systems he is interested in, and this is not enough for a comfortable game. A ruler is needed that allows any player to measure the distance between any (known to that player) star systems at any time without any prerequisites. Master of Orion 2 has such a ruler, but Endless Space not.

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