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Auriga Vaulter (councilor took this choice for you)

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4 years ago
Dec 8, 2020, 5:40:56 PM

I was wondering if the only possible option when discovering auriga as vaulters is the Science choice that for me always says Councilor took this choice for you . from what ive read the take this choice for you should only occur if you dont pick an option before ending a turn. however its an instant pick upon discover. ive tried having different ethics in charge instead of science but it makes no difference. ive tried going into game files but i have no idea how to read them well. most i could get is that there possibly somethign about dust and pacisfism . so is this the only option vaulters get or am i bugged and require reinstall?

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4 years ago
Dec 9, 2020, 9:25:17 AM

"Your Councilors made this choice for you" is also used when a quest stage is shared between several branches of the main quest, but the decision you took in the previous step of the quest pre-determines your decision for this step. It's possible that this also occurs if the galaxy settings preclude the other options, but I have not checked specifically for that.

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4 years ago
Dec 10, 2020, 1:11:27 AM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

"Your Councilors made this choice for you" is also used when a quest stage is shared between several branches of the main quest, but the decision you took in the previous step of the quest pre-determines your decision for this step. It's possible that this also occurs if the galaxy settings preclude the other options, but I have not checked specifically for that.

thanks for the response. though i dont believe the quest stage choices would have effected it since i tested it a few times and avoided selecting science options whenever possible. not sure how galaxy settings would influence it perhaps i should re-enable academy quest and try again. 

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