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How can I protect my empire from Riftborn's singularity ?

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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 2:26:11 AM

Good evening ! I'm playing as the Vaulter Empire and the Riftborns put a singularity on one of my systems. The system's FIDSI was drastically reduced because of their singularity. Please, how can I protect my empire from these attacks and how long does the singularity last ?

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 3:45:52 AM

You can't, other than politely asking them to stop if you get the option. In my opinion, singularities shouldn't be able to be placed on systems with system shields. Otherwise, the Riftborn can entirely erase the Hissho.

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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 4:32:13 AM

If I'm not mistaken, the singularity lasts for 10 turns on normal game speed and 5 on fast game speed. My guess is, it lasts 20 turns on endless game speed.

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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 3:05:57 PM
CaptainCobbs wrote:

You can't, other than politely asking them to stop if you get the option. In my opinion, singularities shouldn't be able to be placed on systems with system shields. Otherwise, the Riftborn can entirely erase the Hissho.

The Dilation Singularity pales in comparison to this Tier 4 beauty:

This thing just seems so out of control broken. All hail Riftborn. But I do think its cost scales up alongside all uses of singularities (not just itself), but I can't remember. What always surprised me was that you can pop these on someone from the other side of the galaxy without any vision whatsoever. 

They have the best faction theme music too.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 3:15:43 PM

EDI, funny thing is, I'm pretty sure the Riftborn is the most cantankerous, thin-skinned, of all the AI (especially for a faction suited for peaceful victory - Science/Wonder). If you breath in their direction, they take great offense. They seem to get especially upset about scout ships in their territory. It would be fun to chat with someone who coded their behavior.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 5:39:49 PM

Thank you for the warning dustwhit ! I've been stealing their technology every three turns. Because of the singularity, I'm going to aim the technologies that allow extraction of the orichalcix and quadrinix. Can an empire still research a technology stolen by hacking ? 

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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 6:03:43 PM
EDI wrote:

Thank you for the warning dustwhit ! I've been stealing their technology every three turns. Because of the singularity, I'm going to aim the technologies that allow extraction of the orichalcix and quadrinix. Can an empire still research a technology stolen by hacking ? 

You don't steal, you copy. They still have the tech. ;)

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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 7:36:44 PM

Thanks for pointing that out HBumblebee. In my language, it's written the equivalent of "steal".

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4 years ago
Mar 10, 2021, 9:41:47 PM
DrunkenChoko wrote:

@Chocossimo might be able to tell us...

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4 years ago
Mar 11, 2021, 3:28:27 PM
dustwhit wrote:

They have the best faction theme music too.

Riftborn theme is cool but I prefer Hissho's.

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 13, 2021, 9:45:32 PM
Groo wrote:

If I'm not mistaken, the singularity lasts for 10 turns on normal game speed and 5 on fast game speed. My guess is, it lasts 20 turns on endless game speed.

You are correct, 15 turns on slow and 20 turns on endless gamespeed

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