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What does this effect do?

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8 years ago
Jan 29, 2017, 1:45:37 PM

I've played for over 100 hours of this game since first release. I still don't understand what this does :

Does it steal 50% of my food to produce defense? (in which case, most stupid law ever)

Does it increase food production by 50% with some other effect on defense?

I don't understand. Sometimes it's also -X% food to defense, weird.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 29, 2017, 3:30:48 PM


I don't know too how this exactly works but my guess is this: every System has some food production and part of it goes to manpower. This law gives that part plus 50 % of it to manpower so yes, it "steals" food, but not 50 % of the whole production. So I think it's a good law if you need to boost your manpower both for fill up ships or for defense.

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8 years ago
Jan 31, 2017, 5:52:56 PM

Manpower the amount of sort of 'armies in waiting' you have. You need them fill ships, assault planets etc

Normally manpower is added to this pool at the rate of 10% of your food production. You'll actually see this in your food generation. 10% of your food goes to your manpower pool. At least until it fills up.

I'm pretty sure it sacrifies population growth for manpower. This is actualy a useful law if you're relaly low on manpower to fill ships and such but your empire ismostly 'full' with respect to population.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 1, 2017, 9:21:33 AM


Yes, it is exactly what satoru said. Instead of the usual 10%, passing this law will use (base + 50%) of your generated food to convert it to manpower. It can be very powerful/useful if lots of your systems are full population-wise.

Keep in mind that manpower is going to be reworked in the coming weeks though, but this is how it currently works on Update 2.


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