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8 years ago
Jun 6, 2017, 11:04:43 PM

So I've been attacking systems and was doing really well but my manpower on my fleet has run low. What's the best way to replenish it? Manpower still kind of confuses me, thanks!


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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 8:12:38 AM

Move your fleet into one of your systems. It should replenish it's manpower in 1 turn, if you have enough manpower in your reserves. I don't think fleet manpower replenishes at all outside of systems that you fully own.

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8 years ago
Jun 7, 2017, 5:06:50 PM

I belive it is not in one turn. At least not for bigger ships with greater capacity. You can find some hero traits that are accelerating filling ships with troops. I remember recently I had to wait 4 turns and I had enough manpower in reserves for 1 turn. There is even a timer icon which tells how many (in percentage) manpower will be filled per turn.

Still unsuere about this one, but it looks to me that defense on systems is same as manpower capacity on fleets. Orbiting planets lowers defense thus manpower on the system. It cannot be replenished when fleet is blocking the system. This way you gain advantage of numbers for ground battle if you don't have enough manpower on your fleet to win ground battle right away. However it costs you time which means you giving your enemy opportunity to react and your fleet can be missed elswhere. There is module for ships (must be researched first) that is increasing manpower capacity on the ship. When blockade ends the system replenish its defense from manpower reserves similarly as fleets do in orbit of own systems.

There are three types of ground units. It is magical triangle. Tanks counter troops. Planes counter tanks. Troops counter planes. When you see enemy has only infantry, bring lots of tanks and you can win ground battle with less manpower. However be sure enemy don't bring planes to the game or you are screwed. You can choose your manpower composition at any time and it will automatically change everywhere instantly. Even on your fleets outside your territory (which is a bit wierd and I belive this is an issue that should be addressed). The cost for change is some amount of manpower from your reserves.


There is manpower cap for ground battles. Even when you have more than cap manpower on fleet or system, you can't deploy more than cap in the single battle. This cap can be increased with technology or choosen tactics. It basically means when one (or both) sides has (have) a lot of manpower involved, there will be greater number of fights (turns) with less units involved, making the siege take longer (more turns to kill all the stuff involved). See this thread for more details about this.

Updated 8 years ago.
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