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Battle tactics not unlocking through research?

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8 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 10:10:18 AM


Been looking around the forums to try and find something without any luck so sorry if this has been mentioned before. 

I have a question regarding unlocking battle tactics through research. When I've researched something that includes a batte tactic it appears that not all battle cards are unlocked. Is there a hidden RNG element which tactics gets unlocked when you finish the research? Because, how many of the tactics that ends up being available in the deck is inconsistent. Or does other previous choices dictate which cards get unlocked? The tooltip says "Unlocks the following tactics" which I interpret as all of the cards should be unlocked. 

Example: I reaserch "Tactical Expertise" and the cards "Irridation" & "Diplomatic Immunity" unlocks in the deck but not the card "Long Defense".  

Thanks for any clarification on the matter!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 12, 2017, 6:08:19 PM

In the military tab (if I remember well) you have to select the 3 tactic you will able to choose in combat. Your unlock should be there.

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8 years ago
Jun 12, 2017, 9:16:45 PM

Oh I just realized what it is. The name of the Battle Card isn't the same as the name in the research description tooltip.

The battle tactic named "Shield Wall" is actually referred to as "Long Defense" in the tooltip for the research to unlock it. But the card "Irridation" is called Irridation in the tooltip.

As this appear to be a naming inconsistancy maybe change and use the same names everywhere to mitigate confusion? 

Updated 8 years ago.
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