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Recently changes in fleet combat ?

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7 years ago
Sep 23, 2017, 10:24:21 AM

last day, I was engaging an ennemy who had 2 ships equiped with energy (0/50/100), the ships were positionned in middle lane.

I had 10 ships on my side, and I put some in top lane and some in middle lane.

I choosed "power to shields" (middle/long/long) and the ennemy choosed "lucky shot" (middle/short/middle).

The ennemy did not have bombers or fighters.

I was pretty confident considering I wouldn't have any casualties.

When the battle started, I saw his ships (middle lane) firing long laser beam to my top lane ships.
I always saw (and read here) that inter lane battle are long range so his lasers could not hit my top lane.

Did they modified something about that ?
Do I need to consider now inter lane battle ranges ?

The only logic reason I can imagine now is their middle fleet could hit my top lane fleet because my top lane was middle range (tactic) and his middle lane was close range (tactic)

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7 years ago
Sep 23, 2017, 12:21:05 PM

Lasers are now middle and short range. When lasers fire middle range they get a recharge malus so they don't fire quite as fast but do full damage.

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7 years ago
Sep 23, 2017, 12:41:25 PM


yes I am aware of the laser (0/50/100) change, but it doesn't tell me why it is able to fire in/to another lane now !

Today, I even used long/long/long range tactic, they still were able to hit top lane at battle start...

I don't get it for the moment, perhaps a bug (?)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 23, 2017, 2:18:54 PM

Maybe. Post it in the bug report section. I think there may be a number of things to fix with combat after the Target Locked update.

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7 years ago
Oct 11, 2017, 11:54:24 PM

The new g2g mod fixes this. What you experienced is in the live version beams are very overpowered. The dps once medium range hits even accross lanes are doing almost double the damage of any other configuration currently in the game. The current balance mod offers a complete rework of the combat which was highlu needed. You were simply on the recieving end of a overpowered weapon in the games live state. Try the g2g mod v 3.014 youll find the outcome of the battle to be much different. Hope this helps. 

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7 years ago
Oct 20, 2017, 12:30:07 PM

This isn't just the weapon ranges being changed. It seems that flotillas that are out of range of their opposite flotilla (e.g. Flotilla 2 is at long range with the enemy Flotilla 2) will still fire its weapons at other flotillas (so even though it is engaged with Flotilla 2, it will fire its weapons as if at maximum range at Flotillas 1 and 3). This is pretty strange with beams, as they are medium range, but will fire cross-flottila if their opposite flotilla starts at long range (presumably the cross-flottilla behaviour is as-if at medium range, but who knows?).

There is another report here:


Combat is pretty bugged.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Oct 30, 2017, 9:08:32 PM

Post your thoughts or ideas in the G2G forum, it's a sticky in the game design section. Fleet battles is their Focus for this modification. The more people that there was the more ideas suggestions and complaints that can be addressed while this is the focus of the g2g. Please join in on the discussions

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