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Planetary Overpopulation

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7 years ago
Jan 27, 2018, 11:00:07 PM


Big fan of the game, I took a break a while back to wait for some new races and have come back to try the Vaulters. I can't find any details regarding the new planetary verison of Overpopulation, to clarify, the one that impacts how many pops you have per planet, not how many systems you contorl. Any online research only finds details on the older overpop mechanic which is the # of systems. The mechanic itself seems fairly straight forward, my only main question is how do you remove/reduce it? I figured a research somewhere would mitigate/remove it but I just can't find anything! Not counting mitigating the damges by increasing happiness, is there anyway to remove/reduce this? If not, I would strongly recommend adding some options to lower this; pop management is already a little awkward in this game, this restriction only exasperates an already (sometimes!) frustrating situaton.

Thanks for any help! Great work on the Vaulters and keep the new factions coming! :)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 28, 2018, 7:58:56 PM

The two values are "Overcolonsiation" and "Overpopulation". Overpopulation has very vew mitigating Factors. I guess the Idea is that it is largely unavoidable (like Planet Class modifeirs from Gas Giants).

The only two reductions I know off are:
- Factions Traits. "Crowded Planet". Horatio starts with it
- Picking the right Advanced Luxury for System Development Projects

Persinally I always found overpopulation the least worrysome of the modifiers. Usually Planetclass and Overcolonisation is so much worse.

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