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Unfallen and factions

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7 years ago
Mar 19, 2018, 4:09:13 AM


 Was trying again a big map with 12 IA players with the Unfallen.

 Rapidly get angry because the few minor races I succeeded to get to maximum and even more, as it takes AGES to link a new system, other IA players just assimilated them.

 Worst case was the system just near my original system, this XXXXXXXX lumeris IA player came and took it.  I stopped to play, was disgusted, then I tried with old auto save and as I was not yet at 100, I used a lot of influence points in order to get high, apparently it seems that it worked, until now.

 But I remain disgusted by the fact that the unfallen can't assimilate a minor race as fast as any other race, so I came here and I ask : is this known and understood ?  What is the trick so ?  Do the unfallen have the big disadvantage of being nearly impossible, or very difficult for them to assimilate a minor race ?

 At least, game should be changed in order that you could assimilate a minor race which system can be linked to the unfallen network, and once assimilated, then the process of branches going from the system to others starts.

 Another point : if you are waiting since 29 turns to get your new system linked, and a stupid pirate cross around and attack your ship, if it's destroy or if you flee, the branches just disappear ... it's not much fair.  They should at least "retract" gradually, but not disappear in one shoot.  It's then easy to get rid of an unfallen enemy, just attack at the end of an assimilation of a system so he loosed everything.

 I haven't tried, but a question : can we use 2 or more ships at the same time to speed the assimliation of a system ?

 Maybe I missed some tricks ... dunno, but as see these "unfallen" much disadvantaged, I would be astonished that some the player playing unfallen win in multiplayer games.


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7 years ago
Mar 19, 2018, 3:42:03 PM

You can use a fleet of more than one ship to divise the time needed by the number of root ships.

And you can add some military ship in the fleet to defend them or use a military fleet in addition of the root fleet.

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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 1:27:37 AM


 Yes, it works, at least good news.

 But there's a last thing much annoying with the unfallen, is that for instance, before arriving to 100 in diplomatic relation with one minor civilization i wanted to assimilate in the future, I used almost all my influence arriving at 90 to send praises (louanges in french) to this civilization, up to +14 by round.  I finished with more than 300.  I also had ships in the system, blocking any other colonization ship.  What happen finally : another empire got this faction, one horatio, and I wonder how it could have succeed to do that !? Anyone has an explanation ?

Finally, what I had to do, it's sad, but just come back 3 saved game before and attack this faction to assimilate it ...

 A bit later in the game, it happened again, with the empire this time, I had also 300+ of relation with this minor civilization, it was the solar system just near my original one I saw the very first round of the game.  And this xxxxxx of IA just came to steal it.

 What I mean is that the unfallen have a big disadvantage comparing to other faction, you can't assimilate a minor civilisation if your roots are not there, this means that the lone way for these pacifist to do that is to make war, or, I miss one point !?

 And sub-question : how is it possible that once put so much influence with a minor civilization, raising more than 300, the AI arrives anywayt to assimilate it !?


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 16, 2018, 2:01:18 PM


minor has been "stolen" by an empire when it succeeded in the minor civ quest (available at 50 influence) I think.

Unfallen has a disadvantage to assimilate minor because its system needs to be vined, but generally Unfallen has more influence generated so they are more prompt to be suzerin, and then the only way to grab the minor is to complete the minor quest.

Also, from what I saw in all my games, Horatio and Lumeris are pretty aggressive in minor assimilation.

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7 years ago
May 16, 2018, 5:53:43 PM

Yup, just focus on the diplomacy cost reduction law and you can probably just assimilate them at 100 relationship points should the quest prove undesirable.

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