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Vodyani - Shipbound Help

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6 years ago
Aug 5, 2018, 8:09:42 PM


I just started playing Endless Space 2 after being a long-time fan of the Endless Series, and I have a few question about the Vodyani. I understand most of the mechanics of the game, but there are a lot of things that don't really make too much sense to me as far as what to do in places like the economy screen etc. I recently picked up the Vodyani after getting my first win as the Unfallen. I understand that when you dock an ark, it will project its population onto every planet avaliable to be settled. All of my planets have a 3-pop cap though no matter where I go. I did research on the issue and it says to research Neural Robotics, but when I read through the description and effects of researching Neural Robotics, it says nothing about the Arks. I also don't understand how to upgrade and raise each Ark's population in and of itself. I pretty much need an entire tutorial on how to play as the Vodyani as far as being a noob goes. To those who respond, thank you very much.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 5, 2018, 8:27:18 PM

ark pop cap is tied to the system level of the ark.

so if you want more pops then you should increase it with luxuries.

this does mean two things, 1 your ship will have a lower average pop number on fertile world, and 2 it will be way higher pop cap on sterile worlds.

Updated 6 years ago.
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