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Planets stats & terraforming

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6 years ago
Jan 14, 2019, 4:07:17 PM

Hi everybody,

During a game, I wondered if I can improve my super industrial system composed of hot-type planets (lavas and deserts) by terraforming it.

So I took out my sheet of paper and started counting the points. Finally all this ended up on an Excel sheet.

This may appeal to some people to understand the different bonuses and how they are calculated for planets.

It's in English but also in French (my native language). You can choose the language you want!

Here is the Excel file : ES2 - Planet terraformation V2.4.xlsm

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 26, 2019, 2:23:42 PM

Update excel file to 2.1

- Correct a bug with English language

- Add 2 minors factions (from vaulters quest)

- Some little text errors

No modifiction for Penumbra mod (not yet...)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 8, 2019, 4:50:32 PM

Update excel file to 2.2 

- Include new difficulty tables (1.4.7 S5) - Include Umbral Choir bonus / malus


#DifficultyRaw FIDSI on PlanetRaw Prestige on PlanetApprovalOver colonization thresholdOver colonization penaltyOver population penaltySystem UpkeepGarrison UpkeepHero UpkeepNet Minor StressHacking Speed Percent MultiplierMaximum Empire Processing Power Stock










#AI difficultyRaw FIDSI on PlanetRaw Prestige on PlanetApprovalOver colonization thresholdOver colonization penaltyOver population penaltySystem UpkeepGarrison UpkeepHero UpkeepSimplified
 Battle Damage Multiplier
Hacking Speed Percent MultiplierMaximum Empire Processing Power Stock



#AI difficultyMaximum JuggernautsEssence bonus (Vodyani)
 A=Arch count
 S=Leeching fleets count
Keii Hissho
 NO=Not Overcolonized


(A x 10) / S+1  and  +1 if NO
3Hard+1(A x 25) / S+1  and  +1 if NO
4Serious+2(A x 30) / S+2  and  +2 if NO
5Impossible+3(A x 40) / S+2  and  +2 if NO
6Endless+4(A x 45) / S+2  and  +2 if NO


#Minor faction difficultyRelation Points TrendRelation Points Base ValueHacking Speed Percent MultiplierNet Trace Operation ProgressRaw Prestige on PlanetApprovalStressTroop Health Bonuses
0Easy+120-50%-50%+1-10x 0.5-30%





#Pirates AI difficultyDifficulty multiplierMaximum Pirate fleet countHacking Speed Percent MultiplierNet Trace Operation Progress

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 8, 2019, 6:03:30 PM

As a fellow Excel Warrior, I appreciate the amount of work you've put into this resource. Thank you!

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6 years ago
Mar 12, 2019, 1:28:08 PM

Update excel file to 2.3  (see first post to download)

- Fixed many bugs (many with the English language)

- Include Crescents (Umbral Choir)

- Includes new system enhancements (Science and Exploration - Tier 5)

- Add some missing system enhancements

- Add UC system enhancements

- Add Unique Planets bonuses (in the "Other bonus" section)


Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Mar 12, 2019, 3:50:58 PM

This is awesome amount of work. One suggestion I would make that is of little consequence, but sorta bugged me is to revist the Tier system you have for labling the planets. I have always thought of planets that require no resreach for colonization as being Tier 0 planets, since they require zero research to obtain.  Each other planet type would be Tier X, where X is based on how high up the tech wheel you have to go to obtain them. So mediteranian for example is a Tier 1 because it requires a Tier 1 science tech, but Terran is Tier 0 since no technology is typically required to settle it...riftborn being an excpetion to this.    

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Mar 12, 2019, 5:51:56 PM

Hello gap81,

For the Tier system, this is not my rank but the Amplitude ranking. I take this ranking directly from XML file:

  Endless Space 2\Public\GalaxyGenerator\PlanetGameplayTypeDefinitions.xml

But I think it's deprecated, so it could be sorted differently...

Like most of the information in this Excel file, it has been retrieved directly from public XML files, especially for information on planets.

For terraformation, it comes from both the game and XML files.

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6 years ago
Mar 13, 2019, 6:08:30 PM

After spending more time looking at it, i was wondering if that might be the case after my post. Thanks for the info. 

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6 years ago
Apr 7, 2019, 5:09:48 PM

Version 2.4

  • Add latest pop: Basryxo
  • Fixed some bugs with favored populations
  • Add new texts with bonuses on favored population
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3 years ago
Sep 16, 2021, 7:55:01 AM

It would be nice to have a Google docs version online and/or a LibreOffice Calc one.

Btw, great work.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Sep 17, 2021, 2:23:58 PM

Hello DacrioS.PSombra,

I think turning the Excel file into LibreOffice would break all macros...

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3 years ago
Sep 21, 2021, 4:00:33 PM

Yeah... that's what happens when I open it. I don't have Excel...

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