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Where the +2 FIDSI bonus comes from?

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4 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 8:03:37 AM


I can't figure out where does the +2 unlisted bonus to FIDSI per population come from.

I am comparing base planet production multiplied by population vs the listed total planet yield.

The bonus doesn't come from law, building, pop bonus, anomaly, special resource, hero, tech or anything I can identify.

I am playing for Hissho, I suspect that it's coming from Behemoth, but I can't find any tooltip confirming that.



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4 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 8:24:09 AM

Since this is your home system, this could be the result of mining probes. The FIDSI that the proves harvest is applied per population, not on system. That would also explain why the bonus isn't +2 across the board, but +5 for Food and +3 for Industry.

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4 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 8:40:29 AM

If that's the case you should see it in popup when you mouse over any planet

Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 9:02:43 AM


The +2 is actually across the board. The discrepancy between What I should be getting according to the base planet output and what the total planet output says is always +2. On both planets.

As far as i can guess from tooltips, this isn't mining probes either. On the screenshot I posted in the opening post there is a planet tooltip which doesn't include the mining bonus. When I hover over it now, I can see the mining included, however the mysterious +2 is still there.

You can clearly see from the screenshots it's not the mining as it's properly accounted for and is included in the tooltip:

The +10 to FIDSI from Behemoth is mentioned in the sysem-wide tooltip so it's not that either. I was thinking there might be some hidden +2 bonus to all FIDSI for the Economy Behemoth?


I can see the mining in the tooltips and that's not it.

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4 years ago
Jul 25, 2020, 9:10:10 AM


I noticed the +2 is on another planet in a system that is not within the Behemoth influence. So it's empire-wide and it must be unrelated to home system or the economy Behemoth.


I shared the save in the opening post.

Sharing the current state:


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