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Need help with achievements that involves specific minors / planets

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8 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 4:42:08 PM

The following galaxy helps with the Aurigan Trail achievement and makes Back to School increadible easy:


Playing as Lumeris against 2 easy opponents (Lumeris and Sophos), I started in the center left of the map. The academy is one system right of the starting position. And Auriga 3 more systems to the right (connected by a wormhole).

Edit: There is also the Mavros faction in this galaxy (right of the center). So you can also go for the Yin and Yang achievement.

Updated 8 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 3, 2018, 9:38:58 PM

About this one:

No Mercy

Assimilate the Sisters of Mercy minor faction by invading their system

In this galaxy settings you can found Sisters of Mercy. You'll have to research a bit, but it's not a very big galaxy:

Shape: Spiral - 6

Size: Medium

Density: Medium

Generation Seed: 4809

Resource abundance & Curisity frequence at Normal.

Difficulty: Hard.

Rest of parameters set as preset, normal, or whater is close to not modifying them

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7 years ago
Nov 29, 2017, 8:08:48 PM

regarding my last to do achievment - Home is where the heart is, here is what I have to share:

I found boreal to be the one most elusive planet type, but it's pretty random, Huge galaxy on high density should cover all your colonizing needs.

If you want to be thorough, here are some tips I thought of afterwards and might make it even easier and even further improve your odds of success:

  • I suggest placing underpowered custom races with various starting planets in a clustered setup so that you may invade and conquer in early to save time searching for them - those little more rare would then probably include all the fertile alternatives like boreal, ocean, forest etc... you can even go full 12 players and use the military law to maintain super high approval
  • Many minor factions also helps since assimilation enables you to obtain planets at range without colonizing and thus creating a new point of origin for scouts and colony ships.
  • Be picky about systems, do not overdo it or opt in for expansionist trait in order to avoid overcolonization
  • If you are going to go two players or eliminate others in early I suggest meritocratic pop combined with emperor trait for cheap and frequent influence buyouts, but then anything works

Here is a planet type checklist for your convenience:


best of luck!

Think of it as a race and an optimization problem, that's pretty much what the game is about anyway, so it's not that different from the usual gameplay. =D

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7 years ago
Nov 22, 2017, 8:18:07 AM

Well, finally get the ones remaining.

If you want to get the "Ying and Yang", and "galaxy together" quickly, my recommendations, are use @Tyrenium seeds, put game on sandbox difficulty and send a explorer with seeker hero (fortunately for unfallen is the starting one) to send probes everywhere. While doing this stockpile influence, and once you localized the system with the minor go straight it. Abuout unfallen a fleet with 10 vineships equipped only with an engine and the entwinning module is highly revcommendalbe to get to the system quicker, as you'll need to entwine it before assimilation.

For "hearth is where home is", I found best way is to play in a very big galaxy setting, to ensure there are all planet types. Then print one of @CyRob's ITER planets lists to check what you have colonized. Also playing Sophons in sandbox difficulty may be useful, because AI wont be at your pace, and they got a pretty big movement bonus from scy law, that allows you to send colonizer far and fast.

Also for all this three achievements, if you only want the achievement and don't mind about this game (for sure your play more later), not only put the difficulty on sandbox, but also pick only one opponent. This will ensure a free galaxy for you to get quikcly to the desired minors/planet types.

A final warning: doin this that way ensures the achievement, but this gameplay will be boring. At your own risk.

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7 years ago
Nov 15, 2017, 3:10:14 PM

Did someone come up with a seed yet? :-D the 76/77 achievments is annoying. =D

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7 years ago
Sep 18, 2017, 3:07:25 PM

I expect it will count if the terraforming happens before you acquire it, but only way to be sure is test it I guess.

I wonder if you terraform the planets, lose the system and then regain it the terraformed planets then count? 

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7 years ago
Sep 18, 2017, 9:52:58 AM
WeaponizedCaffeine wrote:

Home Is Where the Heart Is
Colonize one of each type of planet in one game - by C0ldSn4p

What counts towards it:

Colonizing a Planet in a new System with a Colonizer, Celestial Vines, Arks etc...

Colonizing a Planet in a Colonized System using the System Production Queue 

Receiving Planets through basically any mean (quest, assimilation, invasion etc...)

What does not counts towards it:

Terraforming an existing Planet

I hope this helps :)

Ah, that's where the misstep was. I terraformed to get a terran planet, but that doesn't work. Thanks. 

Although, if an AI terraforms a planet, then you conquer/assimilate it, does that count or no?

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7 years ago
Sep 18, 2017, 8:34:00 AM

Home Is Where the Heart Is
Colonize one of each type of planet in one game - by C0ldSn4p

What counts towards it:

Colonizing a Planet in a new System with a Colonizer, Celestial Vines, Arks etc...

Colonizing a Planet in a Colonized System using the System Production Queue 

Receiving Planets through basically any mean (quest, assimilation, invasion etc...)

What does not counts towards it:

Terraforming an existing Planet

I hope this helps :)

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7 years ago
Sep 16, 2017, 2:48:43 PM

Could any of the devs clarify what is exactly meant by that achievement? Because if you have to settle those types of planets from scratch, it's a killer achievement, due to how difficult it is to find all of the different planet types, and uncolonized at that. 

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7 years ago
Sep 13, 2017, 12:28:59 AM

Man tracking down all those gas giants was a pain, I never noticed there were so many before.

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7 years ago
Sep 12, 2017, 6:10:17 PM

Yeah not a clue, some people according to steam statistics have it, can't tell why. Probably got lucky with gas giant spawns, just play ridiculously huge games for a while and probably will come by itself eventually. =D

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7 years ago
Sep 11, 2017, 8:12:58 PM

I currently have every planet type I am aware of in this match and have not received the Home is Where the Heart Is is achievement. Does it track whether the player colonises it and as such is not counting invaded colonies?

If so, that'd be more tedious than jumping fleets all over to hunt down systems with the missing planets.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 12, 2017, 11:15:39 AM

Yey I have them all except for the home is where the heart is and the endless gamer,

anyone got any progress on the planet achievment, I tried owning every planet in a large galaxy with high density, but guess that was not good enough.

For terran planet destruction yes you can give up your system and destroy it, or simply play vs UE.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 10:14:46 PM

Thanks again!

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8 years ago
Jun 5, 2017, 3:29:17 PM

Here is another nice galaxy that has both Mavros and Eyder:


There are two rings of systems in this galaxy. You have to send out quite a number of probes to discover all of it.

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8 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 5:45:50 PM


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8 years ago
May 25, 2017, 10:35:05 AM


In the following achievements:


As the Unfallen, assimilate the Eyder minor civilization into your empire

Yin and Yang

As the Sophons, assimilate the Mavros minor civilization by assisting them through a Quest

Aurigan Trail

Control a trade route leading from your starting star system to the system containing the legendary planet Auriga - by Ishmishmish

Home Is Where the Heart Is

Colonize one of each type of planet in one game - by C0ldSn4p

The Empire's Death Star

As the United Empire, destroy a Terran planet by firing a Carrier's Core Cracker

You are asked to assimilate specific minor factions, or do an action over a specific planet type. As the galaxy is randomly generated, you can't be sure that the minors or planet types involved will be present.

Has anyone some galaxy seed that contains the requested minors/planets or any other way to avoid starting games until you get this?

In "Home Is Where the Heart Is" is there anyway to track which planets have you colonized, or should I use the classic paper + pencil strategy?

Sorry about, I like steam achievements, and want no offense to contest winners, but these ones are at least partially depending on being lucky at galaxy generation and I can't afford restarting until Mavros appear nest to Hekim.

As a side question: is a viable strategy blowing up Raia with your Death Star to get the UE achievement?


Edit 03/02/18:

There's also this one:

No Mercy

Assimilate the Sisters of Mercy minor faction by invading their system

I'll leave you some useful settings in its own post.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 16, 2018, 5:11:49 PM

koxsos wrote:

  • I suggest placing underpowered custom races with various starting planets in a clustered setup so that you may invade and conquer in early to save time searching for them - those little more rare would then probably include all the fertile alternatives like boreal, ocean, forest etc... you can even go full 12 players and use the military law to maintain super high approval
  • Many minor factions also helps since assimilation enables you to obtain planets at range without colonizing and thus creating a new point of origin for scouts and colony ships.
  • Be picky about systems, do not overdo it or opt in for expansionist trait in order to avoid overcolonization
  • If you are going to go two players or eliminate others in early I suggest meritocratic pop combined with emperor trait for cheap and frequent influence buyouts, but then anything works

What I did to get Home is where the heart is achievement:

Is to make a custom race that can colonize and explore quickly that started with a planet I did not find much off. (Which was Ocean or Atoll for me)

I set the map setting to max size, max players,  max minor factions, high galaxy density, many constellations, high resource abundance & curisity frequence, and normal pirates.

Made sure there was at lest one of each race, (I didn't make new underpowered races) and when I boubled up it was with The United Empire, Unfallen, and Horatio.

Made sure that Eazy mode was on so the ai's didn't expand as fast.

I took every unique planet system (that includes systems of non custom races) I also took systems with planet types I did not already have.

Only then did I get the achievement.

Don't ask me for a seed I dodn't have one this was done a few months ago now. 

All I know is you need to take every planet type and seeing unique planets are unique planet types you need to take them all.

Updated 7 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 8, 2018, 4:38:18 PM

Sorry to necro this thread, but I was trying to follow along w/ @Tyrenium first post for Back to School.


When I put this in, I don't get the Academy to the right of my starting position. It's not in any nearby system, actually. The AI always gets to it first, wherever it is. Are there other settings which need to be adjusted?

I did set up a game with some randomly set variables (playing as Unfallen) & I found the Academy to the northeast of my starting position. I sent a fleet to the closest planet I can get to w/ a hero, then launched a probe at it but it doesn't unlock Back to School. I loaded to an earlier turn & tried instead to put the hero on a Vineship, which gives enough vision to see the system but still no luck. What's the trick for Back to School?

I have no mods installed, if that matters.

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