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Unfallen - video tutorial / playthrough

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7 years ago
May 19, 2017, 9:29:52 PM

Hello everybody!

After a long wait I'm finally able to start posting my guides for ES2 (was waiting for the official release in case you were wondering). And the first faction I decided to cover are the Unfallen, since people are least familiar with them ^_^ And also because they're very rookie friendly.

If you're wondering who I am: I'm basically a fan of Amplitude's games and I played a LOT of ES1, EL and now ES2. And I like to share my experience with others in order to make their games easier~

Word of warning however - a big part of the series was recorded before ES2 was released using a prerelease copy. As such, there are a few bugs present in my video that may have been fixed before release. Just keep that in mind ;)

With that in mind, here's my video:

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7 years ago
May 21, 2017, 5:58:32 PM

For to edit: Click the "list" symbol to the very top right of text box. Two new (old) icons appear, one is the edit button.

Bye, leaving for to watch playthrough now

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7 years ago
May 27, 2017, 12:21:27 PM

Thank you so much! I have been watching the video yesterday and even if It is a bit hard to understand (I'm not native English speaker and you talk a bit too fast xD) but when you get used to it I could understand xD I'm waiting to a United Empire guide! It is my favorite faction ,but no pressure! I enjoy all your content anyway and the way you decide and change your mind for every tech you decide to research xD, thank you and see you!

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