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Optimizing Lumeris - Expert Guide to turns 1-30 on Endless w/ Hard Pirates

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7 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 12:10:39 AM


Hey guys,

Been really enjoying ES2 and since there hasn't been a lot of content going into detail about competitive strategies and optimized play, we figured that we'd make a series of videos showing how we've worked to optimize starting strategies for our favorite races.

Each video will be a 10 player game on Endless with Hard Minor Factions for max AI difficulty.

I'm starting with my favorite race, Lumeris. I go through the first 30 turns of a game here to put us on the path to a nice pacifist snowball and discuss and show off some cool Lumeris strategies such as:

  • 11 probes on turn 1
  • ~100 science turn 9
  • Colonizing off-pist to cancel automated ships
  • Technology ordering and market rush

Since this is the first of this series I would welcome any and all feedback about the format and content here so that we can make the next ones better and more useful for you guys, since this is all about sharing a game that I really love.

I've also attached the turn 30 save to the youtube video if you guys have the desire to pick up where I left off and scout out the details.

Please let me know what you think!



Video link is here: https://youtu.be/AbJ1MA5BkC8

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 12:28:37 AM

Thank you so much! this is awesome!, I will watch it right now and I will wait patiently to see the United Empire one (The one faction I play). Again, Thanks!

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7 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 1:19:29 AM
Trynstark wrote:

Thank you so much! this is awesome!, I will watch it right now and I will wait patiently to see the United Empire one (The one faction I play). Again, Thanks!

Great to hear, thanks for the kind words!

UE is my second favorite so it'll be the next one I do. We might have one other released first, though. Too soon to tell at this point.

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7 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 2:38:26 AM
Alchemist wrote:
Trynstark wrote:

Thank you so much! this is awesome!, I will watch it right now and I will wait patiently to see the United Empire one (The one faction I play). Again, Thanks!

Great to hear, thanks for the kind words!

UE is my second favorite so it'll be the next one I do. We might have one other released first, though. Too soon to tell at this point.

Yay, I was reluctant to see it at first just because It wasn't of the faction I liked the most but I was so wrong, I think everyone should see other faction videos because many things are really good for other factions aswell and even if they aren't you learn your enemy to know how to hit them harder! I liked It so far (Just saying this is the first gameplay I watch entirely xD and It was more than 1 hour long! I really like it xD) Thank you for spend your time helping and teaching the community :D

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7 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 9:13:54 AM

Thanks @Trynstark. I'm also going to post your comments from the YT video here for folks to potentially see and discuss.

I'm at 1:08:00 and have a question or suggestion, I think you could take advantage that you have vision of that annoying pirate ship and see what modules/weapon He has because you could make the ship efficient against that, for example see if It uses Energy/Projectile to choose your defense modules and Its defenses to choose your weapons (And if It uses Large or Short range) but that is the question, Did you think that or you just wanted a generic fighter for all the types of pirates without having to modify the fighter? (In that case what you did It's perfectly fine) 

@1:08:00 - the pirate I was worried about clearing there was super weak so for this the decision didn't matter much. If I hadn't gotten curiosity upgrades for the hull plating I probably would have checked, but since I had the upgraded plating I felt that it would be the optimal choice.

One more thing: 1:14:40 I always think about it and want to learn more, Is it better skip the starter buildings when you have access for better ones even thought the cost is higher? I would make +5 food + 5 Industry building before the 'Xenoindustrial Infrastructure' (You did the same in the previous colony) because more pop grow and a little industry for a lower cost making it faster to build the rest seems good for me but I don't know If that is worth it, Thanks. 

@1:14:40 - I love Cerebral Reality (+10D, +10S) but actually hate Drone Networks (+5F, +5I). The reason for this is that neither 5 extra food or industry makes nearly the impact early game as the 10 sci or dust. Because the Colony Base building is already giving +40F and +25I, the extra +5 to each is really a drop in the bucket. And you have to pay 5 turns or so of production for it (Drone Networks cost 160). Compare that to XII [Xeno-Industrial Infrastructure], which costs 280 and give +30 industry immediately (1.75x the purchase price, 6x more efficient for industry, which matters more), and gets more efficient for each new planet you colonize in the system. By the end of these 30 turns my XII was giving me +70 Industry. THAT is a very nice chunk for investing 8 turns of building. The DN would just give 5 forever. 

I actually think that XII is so good that races which don't get full use out of it, like the Horatio who start on a Mediterranean, are at a major disadvantage unless they have a Fertile/Temperate level 0 planet in their home system.

1:17:00 The achievement showed up! haha now I think the text is unfinished because I think It means 10 curiosities of one type, maybe 10 Ruins curiosities or 10 Life curiosities, something like that because there is no way you just discovered 10 in that turn haha (way way more) Finished! That was really helpful and entertaining video :D I'm really really expecting the next one! Lumeris aren't my favorite faction but has been really productive video because that Market management can be easily used as other factions (I usually stack resources without using them for no reason and this showed me that early game selling them is really good), Thank you so much!

 @1:17:00 - I just checked as well and the tech I got that turn was Pev Scale Accelerators, which didn't open up anything new. You have to be correct that it's ruins types or something. Maybe I'll do a game where I keep track by type =D 

Thanks again for the great comments and questions!

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7 years ago
Jun 4, 2017, 9:55:55 AM

Thank you for answer my questions! :D The one which I was more interested was about the starter buildings so thank you so much to help me with that because I was afraid always to put there buildings that are longer to finish and sit there just ending turns until something is done but seems like It is worth It because as you said the industry bonus is huge. 

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