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Several Questions

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8 years ago
Mar 5, 2017, 3:33:59 AM

Hi. I have several questions. I did look through the manual before posting here and I couldn't find the answers.

1) As part of a quest I acquired the technology Gjallarfire(a weapon module). It is available when I go into ship design but I can’t find it in the technology tree. Should it be there? And if so, where?

2) How can you get rid of forced laws?

3) How do you get more law slots?

4) Exactly what is overpopulation?


5) On page 23 of the manual there are pictures of parts of the era screen. Are these still coming or did you decide to leave them out? Maybe I am missing something but I find it difficult to tell what era I am in currently. This leads to a second question, can’t you be in different eras in each of the 4 technology areas?


6) I was at war when my opponent proposed a truce. Part of the terms were his offer of “compensated war damage -50 swords”. What does this mean?


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8 years ago
Mar 6, 2017, 10:51:41 AM


1. Nope Gjallarfire is granted through quests if I remember correctly, and thus doesn't have an emplacement in the tech tree.

2. You can't, they're the result of your ruling party. You can change them by putting another party in power during the next elections.

3. You need to research technologies from the Empire Development quadrant, the ones you're looking for have a senate icon on their unlocks

4. Overpopulation is when a planet has population in almost every slot. The closer you are to filling all the slots, the higher the happiness malus. You can counter that by building Happiness improvements, switching population from a planet to another (ex: if you colonize a new planet within your system you can redistribute the population to balance overpopulation) or by sending population to another system using the Space Port if you have it unlocked.

5. We reworked the Tech tree and there isn't really an Era system anymore

6. It's a way to calculate the tribute in Dust the winner receives. However I agree it's a bit of an obscure system and it doesn't feedback to the player clearly. I think we've been reworking it a tad (or at least it's in the plans)

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