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Horatio vs Horatio (vs Horatio (vs Horatio))

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2 years ago
May 23, 2022, 6:12:31 PM

In a game with multiple Horatio factions, can one Horatio population gene-splice another, or are they all considered Horatio?

  SELF-ANSWER -> I believe, yes, there is a base +2 food, +1 approval for spliced Horatio pop.


If Horatio does gene-splice Horatio, is it a fixed bonus/addition, or does it depend on what gene-splicing the to-be-spliced Horation has spliced?

Say a Horatio faction has spliced several races and added +2 sci, +2 food, +2 dust, and 5% ground defense to itself. If *THAT* Horatio pop then gets spliced, does it still just give the base +2 food, +1 approval? Or does it pass on some of its spliced bonuses?

From a logical standpoint, to create the truly superior Horatio, spliced genes should be passed on. I could see how from gameplay this could be unbalancing though. Being able to get the equivalent of splicing 2-3 races at once just by splicing another Horatio pop would represent a large jump in benefits.

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2 years ago
Jul 13, 2022, 8:27:20 PM

Gene splicing Horatio yields 2 Food, 1 Happiness and is independent of what they have assimilated or gene spliced already. Gene Splicing is an op ability so fixing values for assimilation makes sense for balance reasons.

Updated 2 years ago.
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