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Endless Space 2 on XBox Game Pass: DLC's do not activate

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5 years ago
Sep 9, 2020, 7:16:05 AM

Assuming this is an Microsoft problem, but thought maybe someone here may have it 

I have the game on Xbox Game Pass. I've bought the Awakening and Vaulters DLC. These new (to me) factions do not appear in the game.

Checking the CONTENT menu tab, there seems to be no way to activate them, so I assume they're supposed to activate after purchase. I've tried deleting and reinstalling the game, the XBox app, running as admin, checking paths. No go.

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5 years ago
Sep 10, 2020, 8:35:14 AM

In the bottom right corner of the main menu, do you have the little icon of the Vaulters DLC showing?

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5 years ago
Sep 11, 2020, 2:09:58 AM
Eric wrote:

In the bottom right corner of the main menu, do you have the little icon of the Vaulters DLC showing?

Hi Eric, no I don't

I think this is a MS issue as my friend has the Steam edition with no problems. So I've asked MS for help

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4 years ago
Sep 25, 2020, 8:52:08 AM


Do you still have the issue?
If so could you PM me your Xbox gamertag please, for sharing with people at MS so they can investigate further.

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3 years ago
Dec 3, 2021, 6:31:44 PM

Hi Eric, I noticed, that game has frequent issue of not loading dlc, for me it happens around 1/5 times when launching game. Check my gamertage lukasdb

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3 years ago
Feb 11, 2022, 4:43:31 AM

Hi there, I'm having this exact same issue with the Game Pass version of the game. I do own it on Steam too, where I never had any problems. But now on Windows/Xbox the DLC keeps not activating when booting up the game. It is incredibly inconsistent whether one of the packs will or won't, often it changes with every start up. I keep turning it off and on to get them to all turn on at once - eventually. I actually own all of the DLC, both the expansions and the Add-on, and have all the updates installed.

When I click on the Windows icon (I presume this is the purchase screen) it tells me I already own this (because I do).

The icons appear in the bottom left of the screen on the main menu, but they will say 'deactivated' when they have this glitch.

I can eventually get them all to turn on after constantly rebooting the game on and off again, as shown below.

I have had the game crash when booting up saves from the main menu, and I wonder if this is because of DLC not activating.

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